deer issues........


Well-Known Member
i went by my plants th other day and there were deer there a couple bits out of the fan leafs but nothing more cause i tackeled them and snapped there necks( not really but i scared them away)......anyways i bought some netting i put it around them.......but there are gaps on the bottom cause i ran out ........ soo does anyone no if ill need to cover that.... will the deer poke there heads under neither it lift it up and chomp away ..... any advice on deer would be nice


Well-Known Member
fill a 2 liter bottle with urine and dump it in a circle around your plants and especially on the game trails they are taking to get there.
How old are the plants?? A deer usually wont bother a plant once they get so big, and if you ran them out of there, theres a good chance they wont come back till your scent is gone, I use mothballs, tied on fishing line around all my patches, the only real problem Ive ever had with wildlife is the damn groundhogs..


Well-Known Member
What I did a few years ago was give my dog a hair cut and spread the hair around the plant I never saw dear come near the plant agian. The smell of my dog scard the shit out of them. At first I tryed fox urine that i got from the hunting store and it just was like an invitation for all woodland creature to cove over so dont use animal urine as for your own urine thats up to you. But try dog hair it works!
Good luck


Active Member
I haven't had anything messing with my plants since i started spraying them down with a cayenne pepper spray. I guess now that they are starting to flower I'm going to have to start painting it on the fan leaves so i don't end up getting it on the buds. To make it just add a cup or two of ground cayenne pepper to a gallon of water, shake it well, and let it sit for a day. Then strain the gunk out and add a tbsp. of dish soap. Deer aren't fans of burning hot soapy tasting leaves.


Well-Known Member
I had the great idea of putting my patch only yards away from an Oak So as you can imagine there are deer everywhere, I use chicken wire cages along with urinating 10-20 yards away from my patch every visit and have yet to have the deer ravage my crop. Red ants on the other hand.. Good Luck~~~ dude


Active Member
had deer eating my veg garden plants a cpl yrs ago.....i went to my local barber shop n asked him to save all the hair he cut for me pick it up a cpl times a week.... spread it around and i never had anymore deer probs.........also pissin near ya plants works well too........all the tips mentioned above ill work too ......also if ya take a bar of soap n sliver it with a knife will work....itll work but i dont like the idea of soaps or mothballs cause mother earth gets shit on enough as is...... anywho best of luck...peace