Dee Gee for potted plants?


Well-Known Member
Stick to perlite, as Dee Gee (Decomposed Granite)
has traces of Radon gas in it,
tho harmless in trace size, its still a hassle
at all costs avoid getting it on buds and
breathing it in,
it goes like cement on a sponge in your lungs


Well-Known Member
Vostok, so your telling me some radioactive gas is going to poison me through my weed? Seriously, why do people answer things with such nonsense. If i was a kid i might have believed something like that.


Well-Known Member
Vostok, so your telling me some radioactive gas is going to poison me through my weed? Seriously, why do people answer things with such nonsense. If i was a kid i might have believed something like that.

....Thats not what he said. But what he DID say is true. DG has traces of Radon gas in it. Perlite is a MUCH better choice.


Well-Known Member
Vostok, so your telling me some radioactive gas is going to poison me through my weed? Seriously, why do people answer things with such nonsense. If i was a kid i might have believed something like that.
Thank you Cobnobuler, no not directly,
it will have a long term affect of your health,
more the issue of cementing your lungs,
I'm at a loss of the medical condition,
but still an old arrogant fuckhead
like Curtis will surely remember?
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Well-Known Member
Ok, well if this all true, then why does EVERY SINGLE website that i have found on it says thats its great for gardens for trace minerals? Im not using it for fungus noted above.