Decided to make Cannabutter again!


Well-Known Member
Last time I made some "butter", it fucked me up so bad that I swore off the stuff for 20 years. Well I got bit by the butter bug again and decided to bake up a batch!

Basically I threw in 2 sticks of butter and a half Oz of herb and let the croc pot run on low (this new croc pot I used ran a little hot and kinda burnt the butter a bit, so maybe want a nice low croc pot setting but not too low) anyways, I ran that for roughly 10 hours, strained it into a plastic cup and then refrigerated for 24 hours. Let it sit for a day or two then take out to get room temp then use for whatever recipe you got.

I saved a bit to put on some bagels! Taste is a little burnt tho due to the higher "low" setting on this croc pot I just bought. Nice mellow high tho, really cures my back and neck pain amazingly! Smoking really didn't do it this well for me actually, so a much better experience this time!



Well-Known Member
By cooking it so long you degraded the THC mostly so thats why it's not as strong.. Glad it worked for your back. If you only cooked it about 30 minutes at 250F then it would have sent you to the moon lol


Well-Known Member
if you use water with the butter, the water will keep the butter up above the heating element so just enough to make a good layer in betweenand then you just put it in the fridge after to seperate the water out. You can also then add more water, re-liquify, and re-solidify it again to help get some of that "green" taste out


Well-Known Member
If you put all the ingredients into a mason jar you can use the Crock-Pot with water not in the butter. Water when used while infusing causes alot of nasty things that are water soluble. After the butter has been made you can then put it back in the crock and add water. Put the mixture back in the fridge. When cool drain the water. The butter will be less green and taste better. You can even do it one more time to get less green. Might Google washing cannabutter although the specific site was on penintrest