At least Neutron is honest about it. He doesn't want to have to pay for anything.
WHERE did I EVER say that?
He is very upfront that he wishes America was mired in 1910 lifestyle.
As far as how the country is run, close, actually I would have preferred the last quarter of the 18th century. I would have loved to be around when the idea of independence was being forged. Also, the individual independence appeals to me very much. Yeah, there were problems then, just as there are today but people were more of a mind to take care of themselves and their neighbor, if need be, without King George telling them that they HAD to do this or that.
I can respect your desire to not pay for anything that this country provides you but I have to disagree at the same time.
What things? Do you mean things like the immoral confiscation of private property? Or the invasion of multiple foreign countries and the deaths of millions of people, for no good reason? Or maybe the theft or our nation's wealth through inflation? Or perhaps the bailing out of corrupt and evil banksters, worldwide? Maybe you mean the huge dump they are taking on our Bill of Rights? You probably mean the billions of dollars we send to the worst terrorist nation in the world, Israel? Oh, I know, it is all the guns we let walk down here to Mexico or maybe the military grade weapons the government sold DIRECTLY to the cartels? Could it be the militarization of our police departments? Or the training of the military to quell domestic protests? It has got to be the insane War on Drugs?
Shall I continue?
I understand that as a member of this society I am asked to contribute to society in a fair way.
But you are not asked. Even though the IRS says compliance is voluntary, you are not asked to help out, that is so disingenuous. We are FORCED to pay what they say is fair. "A fair way"? If YOU think it is fair then you contribute all you want but don't ask me to give up what I have for foreign aid, illegal wars, prohibition, corrupt banksters and turning the government into a bloated pig of graft and hand-outs. Fair, yeah right. Now I'll turn this around on you... (taking on the approach of BedBrewer and londonfog) So you think it is fair that you have to pay "X" amount of taxes but yet corporations like GE and Exxon/Mobil not only don't pay any taxes but get a huge amount of money from the IRS? Your sense of fairness is warped.
At least you liked that Gilmour solo. Sick shit huh?
LOL, yeah, David is the MAN, imo.