death by t.h.c. ?......

I've overdosed on marijuana and lived to tell the tale....I ate a bag of cookies and fell asleep.

Now these days with edibles, rosins, extracts, shatter, etc...... like I could see ingesting too much to the point of uncomfortableness and then "wanting" it to be over, but..... to me that's the same as 20 years ago you smoking hash and getting wigged out....
Not really they’re quite sensible about it saying over and over again this shouldn’t be plausible given how much you need to consume to die

The only thing I can consider is the newbies that want to grab the "strongest shit" they can.... but I did the same when i was young? And.... lets be real here, I've been smoking for what 25 years now and I've found similar grades pretty much consistently. Weed today isn't "10x stronger" than it was..... I could buy top shelf buds in the 90s that were sticky AF and just as good as the 'dro from the next decade. It might be a few % higher in some regards but those tests seem to be fudged and no one was measuring or even talking about it for the longest time.
The only thing I can consider is the newbies that want to grab the "strongest shit" they can.... but I did the same when i was young? And.... lets be real here, I've been smoking for what 25 years now and I've found similar grades pretty much consistently. Weed today isn't "10x stronger" than it was..... I could buy top shelf buds in the 90s that were sticky AF and just as good as the 'dro from the next decade. It might be a few % higher in some regards but those tests seem to be fudged and no one was measuring or even talking about it for the longest time.
I don’t think they made any claims like that in the story

The story just said she had no previous medical issues they are aware off and all she has was a small amount of thc they specifically said it should not have caused her death and that they are confused as to why she’s dead
I don’t think they made any claims like that in the story

The story just said she had no previous medical issues they are aware off and all she has was a small amount of thc they specifically said it should not have caused her death and that they are confused as to why she’s dead

Correct no such claims were made, i was just expounding on my thoughts.
"However, medical and science experts have been quick to cast doubt on the claims out of Louisiana. Keith Humphreys, a former senior policy adviser at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, has said if it were possible for humans to consume THC at levels that made overdosing possible, there would be far more recorded deaths each year."
Its simple, the hillbillies in Louisiana dont know shit, and their opinion is disputed by science and real life lol
lmao yall remember the anti-smoking commercials back in early 2000's, bunch of people (most with electric voice boxes to speak) saying shit like "Hi im bob i thought smoking was cool, now theres a hole in my throat, smoking isnt cool!"...

"hi my name is moron, i smoked vitamin e and died, but you should blame thc to push a political agenda!"
i could see having a stroke from pot being a thing or maybe lack of oxygen and passing out

more people die from just walking down the road then smoking pot so fuck up with your claims medical people... that's what i have to say

im more likely to die pressing out a big shit then smoking all day every day in massive quantities