Death by Radiation


New Member
The time is now 1402 (2:02pm) and they have been under the UV lamp for almost 26 hours. Here are a couple of pictures to show how they’ve progressed.

I think it’s clear from Skinny that cannabis is enjoying this light source. I have noted a slight purpling discolouration to the leaf tips… could this be the beginnings of a sun tan?

This is where the action begins. The leaves are clearly soaking in the UV and using it to photosynthesise in what appears, at the moment, to be a very adequate manner.



New Member
Day 2 Vegetation

A little tired last night, so I didn’t update this journal as I should. On looking in to check on them this-morning, however at around 1000 hours, I found that they had stretched. Fatboy was leaning right away from the fan, almost touching the top of the medium with his heavy cotyledons.

I turned Fatboy around, so that the fan would aid in blowing him back the other way… and took a few pictures around an hour later.

Here we can see that even after just 1 hour Fatboy has bent completely back upright again, and is now starting to bend the other way.



New Member
Here we have a pleased-looking Skinny. Skinny is now outdoing Fatboy.

Height: 67mm
Left Cotyledon Length: 11mm
Right Cotyledon Length: 8mm

Due to Fatboy’s heavy cotyledons and the light being too far away, Skinny has been able to take advantage and now has a much more stable growth pattern.


New Member
Fatboy’s heavy shell-casing and likewise heavy cotyledons are undoing the plant at this early stage of growth… particularly as the light has been too far away and has encouraged a fairly large amount of stretch.

Height: 47mm… this is not counting the bends and twists in the stem. I’m sure if I straightened the plant out it would be taller.

Left Cotyledon Length: 10mm
Right Cotyledon length: 7mm

1st pic' is of skinny second is of Fatboy.



New Member
Here we can see that I repositioned the plants last night to be directly beneath the light. I did this because I anticipated they might stretch… unfortunately I didn’t anticipate enough.



New Member
Here is a picture taken 30 minutes after the last pictures. I’ve moved the light in much closer, and it is now only 17” from the tops of the plants. Fatboy is also having difficulty… again!



New Member
Here we can see that Fatboy’s top-heavy cotyledons are heading the plant towards disaster again. Their weight is forcing the plant away from the light. This will slow growth, and could even lead to the plant dying if the problem is not rectified.

So here we have a plant that started out the weakest, and then moved into being vibrant and strong… then back to the weakest and facing, almost certain, death. I mean, this could so easily have happened in nature… the shade of a too large tree with too large branches and Fatboy could easily have lost out on light in much the same way.

Makes you realise why life wants to live so much. Not just live, but live better. in nature 10 seedlings could land in the same spot; do they grow in harmony with each other, or is it a fight to the death? I suspect the latter. Anyway, I digress…



New Member
Here’s a picture… coincidentally taken almost exactly 48 hours after first switching on the UV light… and you can see that I have righted Fatboy with some clay pebbles. I’ve also done the same thing for Skinny, even though it was unneeded at this time.

Let’s hope that this does the trick.

I’m very aware of the dangers of direct contact within the confines of this bulb’s luminosity and UV output. Even so, I’m still getting the feeling that cannabis would like that bulb even closer than the 17” it’s at now. I think they’d prefer that light to be at 12”. Yet, my awareness of the dangers to my own health stops me from wanting to put that light too close.

Things are starting to get exciting. I honestly think they’re going to make… famous last words? Ha!

We shall see.



New Member
4 hours later and there is no real improvement on the stretching, here’s a picture: As you can see, despite the well-formed stems, the plants are still stretching.



New Member
Ok, it’s now exactly 15 minutes before midnight so we are still in day two of vegetation. Here are some more updated pictures…

1st pic is a nice over-all picture showing the lamp and its 11.5” distance from the top of the plants. The fan is now on its highest setting, and has been moved in closer by a few inches to help dispel any heat build-ups around the plants.

in the 2nd pic we can see that Fatboy is very appreciative of the extra support and has a now straightened stem.



Well-Known Member
I wanted to do the same kind just a little different. I work doing x rays and wanted to take a plant in and x ray the shit out of it. Only problem is I dnt think imma use canna cuz its at my work and I'm not gonna risk it. But mybe a diff plant. I'll thread it if I decide to. Good job by the way. Hope it works out the way you want it to


Well-Known Member
so do i wait and see what happens?.
dont mind its a very well written,and interesting.
its giving me pointers for the grow j. comp .
this one would have won hands down.
cannot wait to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Hey skunkishy I watched a movie last night where he used like 100 and something of these lights to cook a guy alive.....It was fucked up.

It made me think of this thread and you..:oops:....LOL...J/K