Death by Radiation

nah man, vanilla ice was always a faggot... i was around 15 when he first came out. I'm sure I remember him jumping around with mad shoulder pads on...

The junglist era though... original nuttah was kind of an anthem.

The S, the U, the P the E the R..........the S, the H, the A the R the P......

YouTube - Ganja Kru - super sharp shooter

This is my fav D&B anthem! One of them anyway. Original Nuttah is up there too though!
The S, the U, the P the E the R..........the S, the H, the A the R the P......

YouTube - Ganja Kru - super sharp shooter

This is my fav D&B anthem! One of them anyway. Original Nuttah is up there too though!

ah man, you got me listening to some old skool this afeternoon now. Might have to dust off some old vinyl later!...

Bad Asssss......

YouTube - DRUM & BASS - Aphrodite - Bad Ass

Classic! :mrgreen: :joint:

Yes both excellent... i'm almost 33 too, around 4 weeks to go.

I just got on an old skool kick today... there's lots of other tunes too but I forget their names.
Yes both excellent... i'm almost 33 too, around 4 weeks to go.

I just got on an old skool kick today... there's lots of other tunes too but I forget their names.

ya me too...I love my old skool D&B and old skool dance generally to be honest. I don't know if this is up your street, but oh how I used to dance my ass off to this. Pilled of my fucking HEED!!! hahahahaha. Happy Days! :mrgreen:

YouTube - DJ Misjah & DJ Tim - Access

And of could I leave out this 'house' classic!! Joey Beltram!.....oh yes!

YouTube - JOEY BELTRAM - Energy Flash (R&S RECORDS)

Sorry, bit off topic from your thread. I'll stop now! :mrgreen:
Here's as good a place as any... conversations die out of their own accord.

I'm still a big fan of house music now. Got to be house though none of this speed garage, although that has it's place driving around on a hot summer's day...
that beatboxing is wkd mate. Quality.

This is funny :) check it out!

YouTube - Kitchen diaries

I saw this guy at a club last year, he did about 10 mins and it was the highlight of my night. Totally amazing. He had this looping sampler thing so he record and loop his own voice. I'm telling ya mate.....sick! He did prodigy, vodoo people and daft punk around the world. AMAZING!!

I do a bit of mixing and have loads of vinyl so I'm a bit of DJ/music geek to be honest. When it comes to dance/electronic music anyway.
No doubt you'd soon lose me in a conversation then...I just liked getting out my face and listening to it. I rarely payed much attention to who the artists were.
No doubt you'd soon lose me in a conversation then...I just liked getting out my face and listening to it. I rarely payed much attention to who the artists were.

ya, that's where it all started for me, getting really twisted out clubbing, but then I had a go on some decks one day and just loved it. I started buying records and have never really stopped. That was about 10 years ago now I guess!! This is my DJ setup...

Keeps me well entertained and I record mixes to listen to on the iPod :mrgreen:
It’s late now, and just over an hour ago I took the last picture of the day. I took the picture 10 hours and 15 minutes after the light going on. These plants will be vegetated 24/0 until they die.

Fatboy is doing a great job of getting rid of the shell. Skinny is lagging behind a little but should have no problems.

This is the last update till tomorrow.


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I went to check on the plants at exactly 0815 (8:15am) to take a picture this morning. Upon entering the room I had a slight sense of foreboding, a certain feeling that I was going to find them both shrivelled up, withered beyond repair. Imagine my surprise then when I found this.
In the pic' we have Skinny on the left and Fatboy on the right. You can see that Skinny is still having trouble getting rid of the casing. Fatboy still has the casing stuck to the underneath of the left cotyledon in the picture.

I’m not sure if I’m imagining this or not but the cotyledons do seem a more intense green than usual. Which also reminds me of a time when I had plants vegetating under both HPS and MH lamps. The plants vegetating under the blue (MH) had a more intense green than those under the red (HPS). The plants vegetating under the HPS seemed to be a darker green and the leaf edges seemed much harsher, almost as though the leaves were serrated and might actually cut you. Under the MH it was the complete opposite, the green was much more intense, as though a greener green would be elsewhere difficult to find, and the leaf edges were much more rounded.

Another thing I’ve noted is that cannabis appears to like UV. From earlier pictures you might have noticed that I had the light away from the plants at an angle. Fatboy is actually leaning towards the light source.

I may move the light in closer, or I could just take the plants to the light, and I’m also going to set up a fan. The idea is for these guys to die, maybe they still will… and I hope I’m not breaking any superstitions here but I don’t actually think they will die.


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DAY 1 of Vegetation

Skinny hasn’t really gotten off the starting blocks yet and is still yet to shed the seed casing, I may give it a helping hand… I don’t know. I usually like for them to do it on their own. Fatboy is off to a vibrant start. Out of the two seeds I thought it would be Fatboy that was the slower… but no, it seems Fatboy is the most vibrant. Here are some important measurements:

I’ll start with Skinny first as they are the lesser of the results due to it not shedding the seed casing yet. The plants are measured in height from the top of the media from which they sprout and to the tip of the tallest reaching cotyledon, leaf tip or bud top… whichever is the most relevant.

Skinny: height, 35mm.
The left cotyledon is hard to measure adequately, and the right impossible as the seed casing is yet to be shed. The left cotyledon is around 5mm.

Fatboy: height, 35mm.
Left cotyledon: 7mm.
Right cotyledon: 5mm.

So from these figures we can see that Fatboy is the clear leader at the moment.
Sorry man, I might of missed something, but I thought you tried to kill a plant like this already? What happened to that one from Tahoe's thread? I thought you'd be adding the UV to your flowering room now.

I find this whole UV light thing really interesting, but I just don't have an option to even consider adding one to my setup. The electricity running to my grow is only capable of running 1kW and I'm too close to that already. Shame though! But i'll be interested to see your results.
The answer is really quite simple snow white... I've gone back in time. At least for the purposes of this thread.

All of this was written at the time of me doing it. Obviously I need to edit sections so as to keep the general flow of the thread...

It does get pretty interesting, but I'm only intending to release it in bite-sized chunks.
The answer is really quite simple snow white... I've gone back in time. At least for the purposes of this thread.

All of this was written at the time of me doing it. Obviously I need to edit sections so as to keep the general flow of the thread...

It does get pretty interesting, but I'm only intending to release it in bite-sized chunks.

hahaha, got ya!....I thought it was all a bit ground hog day!
I’ve just helped remove the seed casings from both plants and moved them closer to the light. Here’s another picture, taken at 1045 (10:45am) 24 hours and 30 minutes after these seedlings first being placed under the UV.

I’ve rearranged things slightly for today. As you can see I’ve added a small 7” desk fan that is set on the lowest setting so as to stimulate the leaf stems. I’ve also moved the plants closer to the light and on the opposite side to it. The plants are now also only 24” away from the centre of the light. The plants are now on the opposite side of the light and also have their cotyledons facing away from it; it will be interesting to see if the plants turn back on themselves, which would also be fighting against the breeze, to face the light.

Already, after just 30 minutes I can see that they, Fatboy in particular, are already turning to face the light. The very stems are straightening up and I have a feeling they will soon aid in the cotyledons search for light.

It may well be that this light is very harmful to cannabis, but there can be no denying that cannabis seems prepared to face it. What will happen to the plants? We shall find out in these pages.

The first set of true leaves are clearly visible, and if UV does slow growth and cell replication then it hasn’t done it so far at this stage of the plant’s growth.

The second pic is of Skinny and the third pic' is of Fatboy. In the 4th pic you can see how Fatboy is facing it's cotyledons toward the light.


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