Death before life


Well-Known Member
So I just got a call from my brothers girl all hysterical apparently she went in for a ultrasound and her baby didn't have a heartbeat she was suppose to be around 14 weeks but they said the baby was around 9 week developed so I guess it's a miscarrage...I kinda feel like a asswhole cause I didn't know what to say to make her feel better other than I'm sorry...part of me thinks it's kind of a blessing in disguise cause I know my brother isn't ready to be a father with is drug use and all and their relationship is pretty rocky to say the least...I dunno I'm just bummed I kinda wanted to be a uncle again but now she's afraid to go to the ER and I don't know what to say to convince her she has to like right now cause she's been really sick recently and I'm thinking maybe there is some kind of bacterial infection going on or shits fucked up and I'm the only person who knows so I can't really ask anyone what I should say or do to make her go to the hospital​


Well-Known Member
So I just got a call from my brothers girl all hysterical apparently she went in for a ultrasound and her baby didn't have a heartbeat she was suppose to be around 14 weeks but they said the baby was around 9 week developed so I guess it's a miscarrage...I kinda feel like a asswhole cause I didn't know what to say to make her feel better other than I'm sorry...part of me thinks it's kind of a blessing in disguise cause I know my brother isn't ready to be a father with is drug use and all and their relationship is pretty rocky to say the least...I dunno I'm just bummed I kinda wanted to be a uncle again but now she's afraid to go to the ER and I don't know what to say to convince her she has to like right now cause she's been really sick recently and I'm thinking maybe there is some kind of bacterial infection going on or shits fucked up and I'm the only person who knows so I can't really ask anyone what I should say or do to make her go to the hospital​
Hey homie I am an uncle of 7.. No kids myself... And yes it is a blessing. Just remember everything happens for a reason..

And sometimes all you can say is... sorry


Well-Known Member
Yea I got two nieces and a nephew from my other brother but they live out in co so I don't see them often maybe 1-2times a year so i was excited to have one a couple minutes from me that I could see daily


Well-Known Member
Your her family, at this point she needs medical help regardless of the emotional involvement/damage imvho. Do everything you can to encourgae the medical treatment, no reason for her to lose her life also for being stubborn.


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Staff member
So I just got a call from my brothers girl all hysterical apparently she went in for a ultrasound and her baby didn't have a heartbeat she was suppose to be around 14 weeks but they said the baby was around 9 week developed so I guess it's a miscarrage...I kinda feel like a asswhole cause I didn't know what to say to make her feel better other than I'm sorry...part of me thinks it's kind of a blessing in disguise cause I know my brother isn't ready to be a father with is drug use and all and their relationship is pretty rocky to say the least...I dunno I'm just bummed I kinda wanted to be a uncle again but now she's afraid to go to the ER and I don't know what to say to convince her she has to like right now cause she's been really sick recently and I'm thinking maybe there is some kind of bacterial infection going on or shits fucked up and I'm the only person who knows so I can't really ask anyone what I should say or do to make her go to the hospital​
I am so sorry. She needs to see her OB/GYN.


Well-Known Member
Where's your brother in all this ?
If she doesn't want to go to the hospital for help there may be a reason that only she knows. That could bring on even more problems.
I also agree with quizoking .
They aren't ready !