Dear 15 Year Old Me

What would you tell yourself at 15 if you had the chance?

This is all personal opinion, don't start a debate over anything in this thread

-religion is bullshit, people won't change, don't waste your time

-find a passion

-save your money

-anybody will lie if they think they'll get ahead, even the people closest to you

-always stand at least 5 feet away from someone during a confrontation

-don't waste your time on things you can't change

-people are stupid, get used to it

-Don't question your beliefs since ignorance is bliss

-grab your balls and ask the girls you like out.. you won't get that chance again

-get a bank account and save

-don't trust people

-stop following stupid trends

-don't be a dumbass and smoke pot in public

- don't be "nice" it gets you nowhere

- women only care for looks now so fuck morals

-try to avoid becoming bitter and just play the game of life.. win
-Don't worry so much

-Say what you believe in

-Don't be spiteful to those you care about

-Spend more time on the things you enjoy

-You're not going to please everyone, so don't try

-Read more

-Learn another language now while it's supposed to be easy.
doont do that methadone pill and lose your virginity to that girl..

Stop smoking those damn cigs

in two years you will want to sell cocaine, DONT DO IT..

When youre 19 you will meet a girl at a graduation party, Dont do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trust me

Sincerley you
Save all that money from cutting grass and assistant coaching swimming, and buy apple stock, instead of pissing it away on smokes and bud.

Invent some stupid website and call it "Facebook" and have billions of dollars in 13 more years.
Dear 15 year old me...

That cute girl that sits behind you and to the right in math class is so totally in to you and your window of opportunity is going to close soon...

Get a job you lazy bastard... Cut your stupid fucking hair and take up jogging... You'll thank me later...

Grow pot now... like right this very minute get some seeds and start right now...
Dear 15 y/o me, in four years, your going to pop your first seed, instead of dropping copious amount of money into your car motor, save up for lights, your gonna trade that car for a 1/4 what its worth later.... the car will come :D
Dear 15 y/o me, in four years, your going to pop your first seed, instead of dropping copious amount of money into your car motor, save up for lights, your gonna trade that car for a 1/4 what its worth later.... the car will come :D

ouch those sentiments hurt deep. lol

I sometimes wonder why wisdom can only come through experience.:wall:
Just in case there ARE any 15 year old me's reading. I'll give a few:

1. The police WILL keep fucking with you, fuck back and learn what's up with them

2. Don't be afraid to go to jail, sometimes it shows you that you're on the right track. Timothy Leary invented a psychological exam that they used on Prisoners, and when he went to jail, they made him take own test. Tides change, and we can't always expect them to do everything right.

3. Stay on your grind, but get some seeds in the ground. Even if you don't take care of the plants, plant the seeds.

4. KEEP STUDYING HERBS ETC, the knowledge is very helpful.

5. Never choose one religion, and never lose interest in society (Religion, gatherings, literature, etc)

6. READ WHILE YOUR LOCKED UP, don't worry about working out like everyone else.

7.... I'll try to think of more later
Haha and my dad always had that poo eating grin in the background, knowing it was worth learning that way.

Good old pops did the same shit in his adolescence, and the knowledge i got tinkering with autos is priceless. I retract my statement....

Build the car, find a gearhead with high pressure sodiums, work out a deal. :bigjoint:
8. Don't smoke weed on probation, alcohol only.

9. Don't fuck around with uppers, caffeine is good and bad enough of an upper all at once. And the less you use it, the better it works.

10. Learn as much as you can about Research Chemicals, and record any tests.

11. Write everything down. So you can see how stupid it looks later, or see how brilliant it is an integrate it into future thoughts.

12. Don't waste time in jail, you can graduate school early in Juvy.

13. Remember your probation officers, if you're really like me, they'll be remembering you.

14. Take pictures and record things, for yourself and other people to see later.

15. I'll think of more later.
I'd say to myself. grow a tree, rake the gravel in the back yard and plant like crazy. have sex with faith, stop being a chick shit. DONT DROP OUT OF SCHOOL, AT LEAST SWING BY ON D'S