Dealers Cup ROOR Bong. Can't Wait!


Well-Known Member
I will be sure to do that.bongsmilie
Hey guys, just waking up after one hell of a night rippin' on the bong. I had the bowl packed, and I mean packed, full of some Easy Ryder bud from my last harvest. Well anyways I got 5 or 6 major hits off of that one bowl, and damn was I stoned.bongsmilie:mrgreen:
I was on RIU for a few hours just chillin at the house and listening to some dubstep. Sorry if I posted some things that were of no help during those few hours.

Here are the pics before the smoke session.

/EDIT forgot to post the pics. I'm still not thinking straight haha:sleep:



Well-Known Member
Very nice piece. Enjoy it!

For all the haters. Sure it is expensive but you appreciate it everytime you use it. I have the "cheap" RooR Black Label version of that beaker with a German RooR diffused downstem; and I get all giddy everytime I use it. Other people feel the same way - people beg me to bring it with me. It is a well engineered substantial piece in your hand, and it hits like Mike Tyson in his prime. Then I smoke off of other peoples discount glass and it is not the same feeling.

Vapo's don't get you twice as high. Take a few hits off of that beast and you will be on your ass. I have a Volcano as do 3 of my buddies and we all agree that when we want to get hiiiiiigh we pull out the RooR. When I have a list of shit to do I hit the Volcano. There is NO comparing the highs of a vapo to a bong.


Well-Known Member
Very nice piece. Enjoy it!

For all the haters. Sure it is expensive but you appreciate it everytime you use it. I have the "cheap" RooR Black Label version of that beaker with a German RooR diffused downstem; and I get all giddy everytime I use it. Other people feel the same way - people beg me to bring it with me. It is a well engineered substantial piece in your hand, and it hits like Mike Tyson in his prime. Then I smoke off of other peoples discount glass and it is not the same feeling.

Vapo's don't get you twice as high. Take a few hits off of that beast and you will be on your ass. I have a Volcano as do 3 of my buddies and we all agree that when we want to get hiiiiiigh we pull out the RooR. When I have a list of shit to do I hit the Volcano. There is NO comparing the highs of a vapo to a bong.
Thanks for the kind words man. I agree that you can never compare a bong hit to a vapo hit.


Well-Known Member
Looks amazing but a 100 dollar bong would have the same size smoke chamber, notches, etc and hit just as well.

This thing just looks awesome, plain and simple. Nothing else to it, however.


Well-Known Member
Very nice piece. Enjoy it!

For all the haters. Sure it is expensive but you appreciate it everytime you use it. I have the "cheap" RooR Black Label version of that beaker with a German RooR diffused downstem; and I get all giddy everytime I use it. Other people feel the same way - people beg me to bring it with me. It is a well engineered substantial piece in your hand, and it hits like Mike Tyson in his prime. Then I smoke off of other peoples discount glass and it is not the same feeling.

Vapo's don't get you twice as high. Take a few hits off of that beast and you will be on your ass. I have a Volcano as do 3 of my buddies and we all agree that when we want to get hiiiiiigh we pull out the RooR. When I have a list of shit to do I hit the Volcano. There is NO comparing the highs of a vapo to a bong.
Couldn't agree more.

My communication skills and awareness are much better off vape hits than bong rips, so I agree that it is also better to vape when you have things to do.

I'll never get over how great a bong high is.

Your body just can't do shit after you rip it.

Sr. Verde

Very nice piece. Enjoy it!

For all the haters. Sure it is expensive but you appreciate it everytime you use it. I have the "cheap" RooR Black Label version of that beaker with a German RooR diffused downstem; and I get all giddy everytime I use it. Other people feel the same way - people beg me to bring it with me. It is a well engineered substantial piece in your hand, and it hits like Mike Tyson in his prime. Then I smoke off of other peoples discount glass and it is not the same feeling.

Vapo's don't get you twice as high. Take a few hits off of that beast and you will be on your ass. I have a Volcano as do 3 of my buddies and we all agree that when we want to get hiiiiiigh we pull out the RooR. When I have a list of shit to do I hit the Volcano. There is NO comparing the highs of a vapo to a bong.

Yeah I know what you mean dude, gotta love the fatty bong rips that you consume an entire bowl in a hit, and dont even feel it come out or in!

But have you ever pulled out like 3 grams of some dank with a buddy, grind it up, sit down with the volcano, and try to consume it all?

And sure, it feels like you get high as fuck on bongs because your annhilating that herb, and filtering out all that bad shit so your getting a FAT rip of cannabinoids, whereas a volcano releases less, but over time with the same amount of material will get you steadily baked...

The study used standard NIDA cannabis with 4% THC content. A quantitative analysis found that the Volcano® delivered 46% of the THC into vapor following three 45-second exposures of the sample to the heat. This compares favorably with the typical efficiency of marijuana cigarettes as observed in other studies, which depending on conditions can fall below 25% due to loss of THC in sidestream smoke. An important feature of the Volcano® is that it uses a balloon to capture the vapor, thereby avoiding leakage to the air. It is possible that higher THC efficiencies could have been reached with the Volcano® by stirring the sample around and exposing it to more heat.


But no doubt the pics on the site didn't do it justice, your pics are definitely better, just looks like some HIGH quality, precision glass, I do appreciate the simple design.

If I had the money, and a small collection (as it sounds like you DO have between your friends) I'd definitely buy that piece!

Keep that shit clean, it doesn't deserve to get gunky or dirty ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what you mean dude, gotta love the fatty bong rips that you consume an entire bowl in a hit, and dont even feel it come out or in!

But have you ever pulled out like 3 grams of some dank with a buddy, grind it up, sit down with the volcano, and try to consume it all?

And sure, it feels like you get high as fuck on bongs because your annhilating that herb, and filtering out all that bad shit so your getting a FAT rip of cannabinoids, whereas a volcano releases less, but over time with the same amount of material will get you steadily baked...


But no doubt the pics on the site didn't do it justice, your pics are definitely better, just looks like some HIGH quality, precision glass, I do appreciate the simple design.

If I had the money, and a small collection (as it sounds like you DO have between your friends) I'd definitely buy that piece!

Keep that shit clean, it doesn't deserve to get gunky or dirty ;)
Thanks guys, everytime I hear a positive comment it makes me happier and happier about my purchase. Sr. Verede I will keep this mofo clean as a whistle. It will never see neglect. I have been using alchohol to clean bongs for as long as I can remember. I was just curious if anyone knew of anything else that effectively cleans as good as alchohol and doesn't damage the glass.

Sr. Verde

Thanks guys, everytime I hear a positive comment it makes me happier and happier about my purchase. Sr. Verede I will keep this mofo clean as a whistle. It will never see neglect. I have been using alchohol to clean bongs for as long as I can remember. I was just curious if anyone knew of anything else that effectively cleans as good as alchohol and doesn't damage the glass.
Well, sometimes alcohol just aint enough

Ever get that film like foggy brown-ness right above the water line at the bottom? Well thats some resin, and alcohol STICKS to resin... So when you dont get ALL the resin, you can still get that nasty alcohol-resin taste...

So I (along with many many many others) use iodized salt found at the grocery store, one of those big fat containers for like 69 CENTS!

Fill up your piece with a good amount of alcohol, and then add a NICE helping of salt (the salt is an abrasive so depending on the size of your piece you want a good amount... The salt wont dissolve into the alcohol, it will just scrape away at the resin gently

Now that you have alcohol and a lot of salt in your piece, plug up any openings, and shake, you can work the salt around the trouble spots, I like to spin the salt around on the inside like a washing machine... then just dump all that shit out, and rinse a few times with warm water (any/most leftover salt will dissolve into the water) and make sure you repeat the swooshing with the warm water so you get all that left over shit outta there...

That will make it look/taste/smell like some new glass (just not as shiny, but as clean!) and its OKAY to use alcohol and salt on ALL glass


Well-Known Member
You can use dragon piss etc..,maufactered cleaners.I mix salt when I use alc,but I think ill start using less.It does fine,but it seems to break down paint in colored peices.Im either using to much salt,dont need it,or maybe my pipe was already like that.I didnt look at it hard before I starting using it.Theyres small beaded dots,but you got to look close to notice any.Do you use any salt?Bad ass bong by the way!!
I woulda got this insted,but they were outa stock when you ordered probly.
I want to get the incredibowl lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, everytime I hear a positive comment it makes me happier and happier about my purchase. Sr. Verede I will keep this mofo clean as a whistle. It will never see neglect. I have been using alchohol to clean bongs for as long as I can remember. I was just curious if anyone knew of anything else that effectively cleans as good as alchohol and doesn't damage the glass.
You should be really happy with that purchase. It's hard to explain nice glass to people that have never smoked out of it. I know what they are thinking because I never understood the hype of RooRs until I tried one. They hit so hard and smooth.

For 99% of my cleaning I used 91% isopropryl alcohol and COARSE kosher / sea salt. You can buy a few huge bottles of alcohol and a huge box of salt for about $5 and they will keep that piece spotless clean.

I don't know how your water is where you live but mine has some calcium in it. In the tube where the ice is, and on the waterline in the beaker I will get a dull white buildup. When the salt and alcohol don't get it pour some plain ol white vinegar and swoosh it around. The acidity of vinegar will dissolve the calcium on contact. RINSE WELL

CLR works REALLY well if you have any kind of hard-water. It's a little thicker and it clings to the wall for easy soaking. Just make sure to completely rinse and air out after use.


Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone for your input. I guess from now on i will also use salt in the mixture when I am cleaning the new piece. Also mj, that incredibowl looks awesome. I would love to have a try at smoking out of one. Maybe one day our group will dish out more money to get one.


Active Member
kick ass piece! i brought me back a custom from the store in amsterdam a few years back(spent 430 euro:bigjoint::bigjoint:). folks all over know of my bong man lol... it's notorious

and just like tnr said, it is impossible to try and describe good glass to those who haven't experienced it... aye... you do though eh? hah