Dead seed?

Well a few days back I got abit bored and I came across one bag seed. So I thought I'd try and germinate it. It's been two days since then and the seed is still the same as it was? Is it dead or something? Or should I wait a little bit longer?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Give it at the max 12-14 days. I have had some sprout 3-5 days after the majority did. If you don't see life after two weeks, give up on them. The temps of them while sprouting can slow things along if too cool.
Give it at the max 12-14 days. I have had some sprout 3-5 days after the majority did. If you don't see life after two weeks, give up on them. The temps of them while sprouting can slow things along if too cool.
Okay buddy. The room temps ain't that cold though :) I'll give it a check in the next few days :)


Well-Known Member
Okay buddy. The room temps ain't that cold though :) I'll give it a check in the next few days :)
cool isnt good either...i put my seeds on a heating pad when i germ...least during the winter i do..during the summer i put them on top of my water are you germing it?there are a few methods
cool isnt good either...i put my seeds on a heating pad when i germ...least during the winter i do..during the summer i put them on top of my water are you germing it?there are a few methods
Inbetween two wet bits of cotton, then I've put the cotton inside of a little container. I take it that's wrong? lol


Well-Known Member
Inbetween two wet bits of cotton, then I've put the cotton inside of a little container. I take it that's wrong? lol
long as the cotton dont dry out that should work...unless the taproots start weaving in and out of the cotton..then that could be bad..i use paper towels...seems to work good that way for me...100% of my bought seeds have sprouted over the years that way...never had a dead seed


King Tut
I use the papertowel method as well. I can totally see the roots working into cotton since even with papertowels, my taproots will start entangling with the fibers of the papertowel within 1-2 days of popping. I've lost a couple of seeds to that, but everything else was good. Just gotta make sure you don't let them stay in too long. Really, now that I think of it, the cotton(or tiny bit of papertowel in my case) shouldn't hurt growth at all even if tranplanted while tangled. The roots should surround it and keep growing.


King Tut
My seeds usually pop within the first 2-3 days, but some have taken more than a week. I've heard of people taking a blade and nicking the small end of the seed so it is easire to crack.


Well-Known Member
i would just worry that if the cotton goes into the soil it might hold too much water and lead to root rot


King Tut
i would just worry that if the cotton goes into the soil it might hold too much water and lead to root rot
Hadn't really thought of that. I don't know a whole lot on the properties of cotton. Not sure what would happen. I think I may try a bagseed just to see.


Well-Known Member
Hadn't really thought of that. I don't know a whole lot on the properties of cotton. Not sure what would happen. I think I may try a bagseed just to see.
i wonder how cotton balls would work in dwc..bury it in some hydroton...and unlike rockwool it should be ph neutral

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
If the place where you seed is even slightly cold, things will be slow.
Put it on top of your monitor if you have a CRT type, or on top of the TV, VCR, Tivo...anything that gets warm and it will speed things up.


King Tut
I've had a few people tell me about doing it. Most use a razor and just kinda nick the very end on the pointed part. I've never personally done it, but it seems to make sense. Just make sure you don't dmage anything internally. I don't think I'd try it on a &10 bean, but bagseed is made to experiment.
I've had a few people tell me about doing it. Most use a razor and just kinda nick the very end on the pointed part. I've never personally done it, but it seems to make sense. Just make sure you don't dmage anything internally. I don't think I'd try it on a &10 bean, but bagseed is made to experiment.
Bagseed it is ;) haha.


King Tut
Some people take a small match box and glue in a piece of sand paper on the bottom, put in some seeds, and shake the piss out of them to scuff and weaken the outer shell.
That is an awesome idea! Huh, just when you think you know what you're doing......
I think I killed the seed. Looks like it's rotting or something.. like an air bubble or something has gotten under the seeds coat :/