Dead plant - How do I remove? Please help


Active Member

I am using an NFT system, and a few days ago the timer on the plug died, turning the water off for 2 days. When I came back all the plants at the top of the matting looked dead. I switched the water back on and most of them came back, but one had died.

Some of my friends said you're supposed to remove the stump dragging all the roots with it, but the roots on mine are far too intertwined and no-one seems to know much about this sort of thing. I've also been told that if I leave any roots, they'll rot and it'll harm the rest of them.

Does anyone know what I should be doing? Any help is greatly appreciated, if you need photos I can take them.




stays relevant.
I'm interested in seeing photos if you don't mind... I would like to see the setup you're talking about and perhaps I can help you with some simple suggestions :)


Well-Known Member
i think i would get as much as i can and any leftover roots will start to rot so i would do rez changes often and use h202 t eat up all the rot


Active Member
Hi ye, thanx for your replies!! I finally found out how to fix the problem, i was told to just cut out the plant. But i must leave a stump covered and not touch the roots!!! But to use something called cannazym?!?! That breaks up the roots.I have included soem pics for u guys!! Cheers for ur help!!

Oh ye could you help me with the exact strain of my plants?!!
I think that they are a sativa? I was told that they are blueberry but iam not sure!?!? They are very bushy and have loads of nodes like every where.





Well-Known Member
Glad u got it worked out. I would use H2O2 anyways. I add that to my res once or twice a week.
As far as identifying the strain, its impossible. If someone tells u they can just by looking at it they are full of shit.