Dead leaves


Well-Known Member
Hey there,
I'm only about 15 days from harvest and about a week ago I started to notice some leaves dying. It's only the shade leaves towards the bottom of the plant. The buds seem to be unaffected. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do? I just gave them their final dose of nutes this morning and I'm going to start flushing from now on. Could it have been nute burn?:-|


Active Member
older leaves will die off i just pick them off they are normal good luck with harvest do u have any pics


Active Member
Yeah the exact same thing is happening with my plants and has been for three weeks now... I got some pics up of it to... The good news is, my plants and the buds seem completley unaffected


Well-Known Member
For pics of my grow, check out my closet post in the journals or just click on my gallery. I'll add new pic's tomorrow. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
m420, nute burn would show on the tips of your new plant growth.
The older fan leaves naturally yellow and dry as the buds approach maturity.
As the nute supply dwindles this should accelerate a little.
Sounds good to me. Don't worry,
Good Luck!


Active Member
if its just the fan leaves, then this is supposed to happen. the plant is taking nutes from the fan leaves to use it to produce those fatty buds