Dead Germinated Seed?

Justin H.

So, I first want to say thanks to everyone here who is always helping peolpe with their questions. I've read many forums and threads and without you guys' help I would be even worse at this. I'm a COMPLETE Noob and this is my first grow ever.

I got 3 LR2 x AK47 seeds from Attitude and germinated 1 of em (Paper towel method). I then got a 8 1/4" pot, which I think may be entirely too big, after filling it with Fox Farms Ocean Forest and watered thoroughly (all extra drained water I disposed of) then I put the seed about half an inch under the moist soil and put it in my closet. There's a fan that cirulates air and the light was put about 2" from the soil. First day after 18 hour light with a 125Watt 5u CFL, nothing. Second day, nothing, but I looked at the seed and the taproot was green but the tip was a light brown. This morning after another 18 hours, the seed shell is a light brown, and the plant inside the shell looks crispy almost. I moved the light a few inches away from the soil after making sure the soil was moist again (Seed was taken up anyway to see its "development") I'm not sure if this is overwatering or heat? I tried to make sure to have a balance, but the top of the soild and about an inch down just seemed so dry.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I think it is both overwatering and the light being way too close.

Forget the paper towel, just pop the seed in damp soil and leave it alone - too many seedlings are killed by growers - they know how to grow without us screwing them up :-)

Justin H.

So lets say I moved the light up and I don't water for 2 days, can it work itself back in a groove or is it too far gone and time to germ another?... Also did I add lights too early? I turned them on right after planting it, like 3 minutes afterwards, and for a full 18 hour cycle.


Active Member
A plant doesn't need light until it's seed cap falls off and having light before that can stress the plant. Leave it in darkness to germinate and pop out of the soil. Once it's first leaves unfurl, then add light.


Active Member
Over watering can cause all sorts of problems for seedlings. It sort of sounds like it got rotten from the moisture and heat. I'd let your pots dry for a nice long time and only water them when the plants are showing signs of dryness.

Justin H.

OK thanks guys! I hope I turned everything off in time for it not to die... OK, fans and lights are off in my closet.. Has Humidity of 50% Temp of 77 degrees F. Just leave it in there and wait for it to grow outta the ground? And how long would this usually take? I wouldn't want to add light again, too early...

Justin H.

OK, well now the whole thing is brown. I'll leave it.................... but in the mean time.. If I germ another seed, how long until I put it under the 18 hour light cycle?


Active Member
scrap the seed, you killed it. Germ another and DO NOT use lights until it is fully out of the soil, then you can start the 18/6 cycle.