DEA to spray industrial grade hemp pollen


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard the latest? from rumour central The DEA will be dusting now with industrial grade hemp pollen, so all the outdoor grows will get seeded and the seeds produced will be shit. they will be targeting national parks. So now they don't have to find your grow, just flying around dumping that shit into the wind and nature takes over. Leave it to the goverment fucks to fuck us again!!!!
If true, I gotta hand it to the DEA. This actually seems like a good idea on their part.
I remember when they were doing that. I was a teenager and remember seeing the choppers on the news and everyone
was worried about it but we never stopped smoking. Just worried while we did it to save time. (paraquat that is)
Dude, I am so tired of our government fucking with us. When is it going to stop? Chem tails, water poison and now this? We are fucked dude. Stock up on guns while you can
then it turns out to be outa dis world dank!!!!

the DEA try it get so baked then pot is legalized!!!

or it works every thing is shit and i become a billionaire with my indo grow lol
Pretty sure they have already tainted the aluminum supply, my hat is only blocking @ roughly 30%.
Be well. I have to talk to mother now.
Has anyone heard the latest? from rumour central The DEA will be dusting now with industrial grade hemp pollen, so all the outdoor grows will get seeded and the seeds produced will be shit. they will be targeting national parks. So now they don't have to find your grow, just flying around dumping that shit into the wind and nature takes over. Leave it to the goverment fucks to fuck us again!!!!
They want to pollenate and burn all the marijuana plants they can find,but they will have a bitch fit if somebody burns down all the coca leaf fields,they love to destroy everything that they can't tax.
but if kaendar is right all they have to do is spray everything down with water on a sunny day
Not to rain on the latest government conspiracy or anything but umm... where is all this pollen coming from? Hemp is illegal. You can't grow it here. Soooo..... ?