DEA still targeting MMJ growers/distributers

Well, thousands of people around the world read these posts. I am an active member of NORML and MPP. I do feel strongly and am very active politically. I do my homework and try to vote for people who favor decriminalization or re-legalization. What have you done? :eyesmoke:

what i do is whatever i feel is right, but what im saying is imo you cant if america wants legal pot the same rules that let "them" make laws against it will and do allow us as a people to make things the way we want them,... it's america, were americans, we have the power but chose to trade it for tv
As a person that has actually served 3 years in prison for posession of 3 oz's, (back in the 80's) I want to remind everyone that fed law has a mandatory 5 year sentence for anything over 99 plants, which is why the DEA likes 100 or more plants!

With the way Colorado law makers are changin things recently it is apparent that they are paving the way for big money (corporate) growers to take over, it is possible that the DEA is helping with this goal by eliminating those in the way???

just a thought

i think your on to something
what i do is whatever i feel is right, but what im saying is imo you cant if america wants legal pot the same rules that let "them" make laws against it will and do allow us as a people to make things the way we want them,... it's america, were americans, we have the power but chose to trade it for tv
What the hell are you talking about? That was one of the most incoherent posts I've seen in a while. :confused:
Obama is a lying sack of dog shit and every word out of his mouth has been proven to be a lie. Don't ever trust the feds about anything. The only reason for their existence is to preserve themselves; don't ever forget that. Too bad about the guy getting busted; that was just plain stupid.
Many of you are blatantly missing the point. LEGAL MMJ operations that comply with state law won't get busted. Just like in California, if you're a medical grower and you have 10 times the legal number of plants, you're abusing the system and are still an illegal grower. Period. There is no argument to that because you are NOT complying with state law. You guys in CO need to understand that MMJ is not recreational weed and then you need to stop treating it like it is. Yes, I have been to Denver several times.
Obama is a lying sack of dog shit and every word out of his mouth has been proven to be a lie. Don't ever trust the feds about anything. The only reason for their existence is to preserve themselves; don't ever forget that. Too bad about the guy getting busted; that was just plain stupid.
I have many friends who thought this guy (Obama) was going to be the messiah. It's funny how people seem to forget that these people are politicians and lying is what they do. The reason for it is because there are no real consequences for these shitbags. They can lie and lie and still get re-elected. Then a promising young politician comes along and tells us things we want to hear. It's time for people to wake up and realize that no mainstream 2 party candidate is going to support re-legalization. Not for a long time anyway. bongsmilie
Many of you are blatantly missing the point. LEGAL MMJ operations that comply with state law won't get busted. Just like in California, if you're a medical grower and you have 10 times the legal number of plants, you're abusing the system and are still an illegal grower. Period. There is no argument to that because you are NOT complying with state law. You guys in CO need to understand that MMJ is not recreational weed and then you need to stop treating it like it is. Yes, I have been to Denver several times.
This guy was supposedly legal. That's the problem. He was following state law. It was the feds that busted him in spite of Obama saying that patients, dispensaries and growers following state law would be left alone. This article is evidence that Obama lied. Everyone, especially in MMJ states, should be outraged by this. Go on thinking you can't be busted if you are legal under state law, but do so at your own peril. :roll:
This guy was supposedly legal. That's the problem. He was following state law. It was the feds that busted him in spite of Obama saying that patients, dispensaries and growers following state law would be left alone. This article is evidence that Obama lied. Everyone, especially in MMJ states, should be outraged by this. Go on thinking you can't be busted if you are legal under state law, but do so at your own peril. :roll:

Obama lied because the DEA decided to not listen to him? That's some pretty cool grade school logic you've got going on.

I live in California. We've been through this significantly more times than you have. All the but illegal growers found their legal recourse under the Bush Administration's policies. I don't see how this will be any worse. IF, and I use that term loosely, this grower really was complying with his state and local laws it should be an open and shut case in his favor.

Anyone, American or otherwise, of any party, who actually expected one man to spin a complete 180* with an entire country, after eight years of mismanagement, with no growing pains what-so-ever, is a complete fool and likely doesn't understand what the phrase "laying the foundation" means.
Obama lied because the DEA decided to not listen to him? That's some pretty cool grade school logic you've got going on.

I live in California. We've been through this significantly more times than you have. All the but illegal growers found their legal recourse under the Bush Administration's policies. I don't see how this will be any worse. IF, and I use that term loosely, this grower really was complying with his state and local laws it should be an open and shut case in his favor.

Anyone, American or otherwise, of any party, who actually expected one man to spin a complete 180* with an entire country, after eight years of mismanagement, with no growing pains what-so-ever, is a complete fool and likely doesn't understand what the phrase "laying the foundation" means.
If you will read the whole thread I said in an earlier post that either Obama lied or he doesn't have control of the DEA. Either way you slice it that's bad. He isn't laying a foundation for anything. He is on the record saying, and I am paraphrasing, "I won't be speding a whole lot of political capital on marijuana legalization." The only reason California isn't in the same boat is because there are sooooo many growers! There are so many people breaking the law that they don't need to go after the "legal" growers. Remember, federal law trumps state law. The federal govt. can come after whomever they choose. If the DEA decides to bust you because you are 2 plants over the legal limit, (Just using you as an example) the state isn't going to come to your rescue. They can't and even if they could they wouldn't. Obama doesn't give a shit about "laying the foundation" for anything. It doesn't matter to me because I'm keeping a low profile. I didn't trust the govt. on this issue before Obama and I sure as hell don't trust the govt. now! Believe what you want to bro. Hopefully they won't get to you for a while because they are so busy busting "illegal" grows. :roll:
If you will read the whole thread I said in an earlier post that either Obama lied or he doesn't have control of the DEA. Either way you slice it that's bad. He isn't laying a foundation for anything. He is on the record saying, and I am paraphrasing, "I won't be speding a whole lot of political capital on marijuana legalization." The only reason California isn't in the same boat is because there are sooooo many growers! There are so many people breaking the law that they don't need to go after the "legal" growers. Remember, federal law trumps state law. The federal govt. can come after whomever they choose. If the DEA decides to bust you because you are 2 plants over the legal limit, (Just using you as an example) the state isn't going to come to your rescue. They can't and even if they could they wouldn't. Obama doesn't give a shit about "laying the foundation" for anything. It doesn't matter to me because I'm keeping a low profile. I didn't trust the govt. on this issue before Obama and I sure as hell don't trust the govt. now! Believe what you want to bro. Hopefully they won't get to you for a while because they are so busy busting "illegal" grows. :roll:

I read the topic. You're sticking to your guns that Obama lied. He did not. From the first time Obama said not to target people compliance with their state law the DEA defied him, like a spoiled child.

Yes, Obama did say that he isn't pursing legalization, just like he said he didn't want to waste tax payer money targeting people in compliance with their state laws. It isn't because there's "soooo many growers" here. It's because we've been going through this issue since 1996. A little research will show you just how many dispensaries have been busted here. They don't come here because our laws make them unwelcome.

Federal law does trump state law and federal law grants states the right to govern themselves. If you're two plants over the legal limit you are no longer in compliance and are now breaking the law. Your example is why this guy got busted, along with being a huge idiot and bragging about the profits from his operation.

I do believe what I want because I'm neither a child nor am I paranoid. I am, however, intelligent and don't give law enforcement a reason to look at me.
Once again the patients suffer at the hands of the DEA. It's time for a march on Washington(wait, to much damn shitty weather) maybe next month-lol.
I read the topic. You're sticking to your guns that Obama lied. He did not. From the first time Obama said not to target people compliance with their state law the DEA defied him, like a spoiled child.

Yes, Obama did say that he isn't pursing legalization, just like he said he didn't want to waste tax payer money targeting people in compliance with their state laws. It isn't because there's "soooo many growers" here. It's because we've been going through this issue since 1996. A little research will show you just how many dispensaries have been busted here. They don't come here because our laws make them unwelcome.

Federal law does trump state law and federal law grants states the right to govern themselves. If you're two plants over the legal limit you are no longer in compliance and are now breaking the law. Your example is why this guy got busted, along with being a huge idiot and bragging about the profits from his operation.

I do believe what I want because I'm neither a child nor am I paranoid. I am, however, intelligent and don't give law enforcement a reason to look at me.
Are you familiar with Harry Truman? He had a little sign for his desk in the oval office. It said "The buck stops here", meaning he took responsibility for everything his administration did, right or wrong. Yes, I believe Obama lied. He is the boss of the DEA. They aren't some independent, rogue agency. They are under his authority. He is responsible for their actions 100%. He will even tell you that. Yes, the guy was an idiot. That's been established, but you are missing the point. He was legal under Colorado state law. Unless the article is false, and it could be, he was legal under state law. The point here is that no matter how many plants your state says you can grow, you are still illegal under federal law, plain and simple. Did the busts of dispensaries slow down or stop for a while? Sure they did. But it appears as though they have continued. Doesn't matter that the guy was bragging and being stupid. He was supposedly legal! The cops will always go after the guy who makes it easy for them. It makes no difference to me what you or anybody believes. I'm sure you are careful and have nothing to worry about. The federal govt. contends that they have authority above all else in spite of the fact that the states say that they have the right to make their own laws. That's why this issue is so messed up. Local, state, and federal laws are all in conflict with one another. Perhaps it is just growing pains as the nation and states learn to integrate MMJ into society. Obama has the power to and the authority to make this stop. It's up to him if he is going take control and stop the DEA from interfering with the MMJ states. bongsmilie
this just shows how they suck at their jobs and go after the easy medical marijuana growers, what they need to do is start doing thier fucking jobs forreal and go after the real harmeful drugs!
The DEA is part of the federal government; that means they work for Obama. If they got the memo not to bust legal growers and they did, then heads should roll. As far as Obama lying, LOL, every fucking word out of his mouth has been a lie.
i'm no Obama fan, but i will give him some 'partial credit'
he has changed the DEA's behavior to some extent, these arrests seemed to have stepped down a notch
not zero, but less, least that's what i seem to read
what happened here was a bit different with this particular guy, he pushed the envelope on the 'in your face'
if you want the DEA to notice you, this is how you do it
Growone, I have a saying I live by "it's the *spouting* whale that gets the harpoon". Rule #1: Growers are not showers.