DEA: MJ has no medical value

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
How the hell does one prove a medical property? Put it in a solution and see if it turns blue? I don't quite understand how the thousands or millions of users who are all stating it does help with their medical issue doesn't amount to some form of proof that it has medical properties. Your government has pretty much classified you all as LIARS by legal decree.


Well-Known Member
I started puffin in '76 and the Feds decision on MJ is ok with me.
I would rather keep pot a counter culture.
I enjoy it more this way and always have. Fuck mainstream!


Well-Known Member
What the hell is the DEA doing making such a statement anyway? Their job is enforcement of government drug policy, not setting it. What do they know about medicine?


Well-Known Member
Barney Frank has a bill in committee now to reclassify it. This is not the legalization bill, which is a separate bill. There is also a third bill sponsored by Stark that would allow tax deductions for expenses connected with producing MMJ.
Can't believe they're still trying to schedule this shit next to heroin!

ALCOHOL is a MUCH MUCH worse drug for your health AND it fucks you up more than weed, and has about the same addictive property..

This shit is ridiculous.

I started puffin in '76 and the Feds decision on MJ is ok with me.
I would rather keep pot a counter culture.
I enjoy it more this way and always have. Fuck mainstream!
2 of my close friends are in jail right now because they had an half an O on them.

fuck counter culture..


Well-Known Member
Yup, it is ridiculous.

Did you know that it apparently doesn't even affect one's ability to drive? You read that right. I posted in the legal forum months ago about a lawyer in CA who gets people off on dwi charges by citing two separate federal studies. One by the highway safety people and one by the transportation agency. Each study concluded that there is no evidence that marijuana has detrimental effects on driving (paraphrasing). They did say that people driving stoned may have a tendancy to drive slower.

Here's the thread:
Yup, it is ridiculous.

Did you know that it apparently doesn't even affect one's ability to drive? You read that right. I posted in the legal forum months ago about a lawyer in CA who gets people off on dwi charges by citing two separate federal studies. One by the highway safety people and one by the transportation agency. Each study concluded that there is no evidence that marijuana has detrimental effects on driving (paraphrasing). They did say that people driving stoned may have a tendancy to drive slower.

Here's the thread:
I totally agree with the driving slower, the other day i was driving with two of my friends when one of them was like "Slow down we're driving too fast!" only to have the driver reply with " we're going 40 in an 80 (km/h)" haha

we were all ripped as fuck..

the first time i got i high i ended up driving and i felt like i was going like 160kmh when i was only going 60...

If anything i find i'm a better driver when high, because i get worried that i'm gonna crash so i focus more on driving..


That's a good one Tet. Someone needs to tell that to the lawmakers here in Co. They're still trying to figure out how much THC you can have in your system before you get charged with DUI. The last I heard it was a ridiculously small amount.


Active Member
im just waiting for the sign up sheets for a fucking revolution.....
It's called voting. Once we get all states or most to be legal for medical, we will have a stronger leg to stand on. But for now, I believe we only have 14 or 28% of the States legal so far and rising, and we will eventually WIN!!!:)

For the States to become legal there has to be a majority of the population, duhh. Once we get them all, we will have a few revisions to some Federal Laws if not sooner.


Well-Known Member
"Can't believe they're still trying to schedule this shit next to heroin!"

Pot is classified as Schedule 1 which means it has no medicinal value.
Cocaine and Heroin are classified as schedule 2 because they have medicinal value.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I believe DEA made their statement in response to Barney Frank's bill to reschedule to "other than Schedule I or Schedule II", as the bill reads. This is separate from his bill to outright legalize. Rep. Stark has also introduced a bill to allow MMJ expenses as a tax deduction for legitimate caregivers, etc.
Did I post that already? If so, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Well it took 9 years to get a federal reply, now the legal counter steps can happen, you can't play ball until it is in your court.