DEA:Cannabis to remain classified


Well-Known Member
Marginally. I have my own theory. In short, the ducks aren't yet in a row. There is potentially huge money in legal cannabis, but only for the "correct" people, and we ladies and gents aren't the correct people. The gov't has spent the last 80 yrs against cannabis and built a cottage industry (prisons, DEA, asset forfeiture, tax evasion); thus you can't just turn on heel and be for it. Too big a revenue loss; hence, gotta get the ducks in a row


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Stupidest thing ever. Why did they announce anything when nothing has changed. The bullshit with NIDA is :wall: holding out cannabis til it degrades before the fda can do any testing. They only ran tests for less than couple months before they even came to their conclusion


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Marginally. I have my own theory. In short, the ducks aren't yet in a row. There is potentially huge money in legal cannabis, but only for the "correct" people, and we ladies and gents aren't the correct people. The gov't has spent the last 80 yrs against cannabis and built a cottage industry (prisons, DEA, asset forfeiture, tax evasion); thus you can't just turn on heel and be for it. Too big a revenue loss; hence, gotta get the ducks in a row
I agree with you on this. Sad, but I do. I had hoped we might see a de-scheduling to three but to see how they plan to take it all............ So much greed. I wonder what is going to be the even that lights it off.


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Staff member
Alcohol and drug companies don't want the competition from something that can be easily grown. That's for sure. I don't think it explains the vile behavior of the DEA but it sure does explain why they don't intend to reclassify MJ from schedule 1.
Really? Why do you think it's inadequate explanation?
I think it's one of the reasons, but nothing this large is simple. I'd love to hear @Singlemalt 's theory. He's usually right (frustratingly so).

Oh I agree that's only one piece of the puzzle... And he is right about all he said so far on this thread. There's a huge mixture of reasons it wasn't reclassified the money made from prisons and fines is a large part of that, plus lobbying by law enforcement groups, tobbaco, alcohol, a few select mega millionaires profiting from all those especially the for profit prison system... this whole thing has me pretty pissed off, just the fact that schedule one clearly requires "no medicinal value" and "high possibility for addiction" which we all know are both complete and utter nonsense.

In Shape Vet

Well-Known Member
thats what i mentioning about how can you test if someone is impaired while driving? i know you can tell when someone is really baked, but once your fine and dandy that stuff stays in your system for several days depending how much was used. You cant take a test the same you do with alcohol.

the problem is there isnt a control for those fatalities. you can smoke for several weeks and take a week of, go have a few drinks than crash your car. what do you think will make the paper as being tested for.


Well-Known Member
Really? Why do you think it's inadequate explanation?
I wasn't disagreeing with you about why the DEA is adamant about maintaining MJ's status as schedule 1. Their money grabbing is just about money, that's all. I think they have been around for so long and are so corrupt that they've become a rogue force within the administration. A second role of the DEA is to fill jails for the prison industry.


Well-Known Member
thats what i mentioning about how can you test if someone is impaired while driving? i know you can tell when someone is really baked, but once your fine and dandy that stuff stays in your system for several days depending how much was used. You cant take a test the same you do with alcohol.

the problem is there isnt a control for those fatalities. you can smoke for several weeks and take a week of, go have a few drinks than crash your car. what do you think will make the paper as being tested for.


Well-Known Member
Anybody on the road carrying more than a few hundred dollars are open to seizure of the cash. It's rare that people get anything back. That woman had $4,000 taken away for no good reason. The MMJ businessman has little chance of getting anything back. And, because he has to pay taxes in cash, he has to keep it in a safe. Agents for the DEA can walk in and take it away any time they feel the need.
Us country boys bury a few g's here and there in pvc pipes buried. No gps, no notes or markers.

Rainy day fund.


Well-Known Member
Pfft.....more and more states will make it legal as time goes by regardless of what the government does.

And they will bend eventually to the will of the people.


Well-Known Member
I'd say people getting menaced and their money taken for no good reason by any number of police departments across this country is pretty big issue. Legalizing MJ at the federal level solves a lot of problems but not that one. Ending the War on Drugs might solve both.
Holding the Federal Government accountable to the citizens of the United States is the only thing that will get RICO repealed and end unconstitutional searches and seizures.


It doesn't make a fucking bit of difference, your rights have already been violated. Now violating your civil rights is STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE.

If your rights don't count when you need them most, YOU DON'T HAVE RIGHTS.

Our government is now in the habit of lying to the American People, and this must end. It will only end when We the People successfully hold those in government accountable for the consequences of their actions.


Well-Known Member
Cops have to get paid. You're going to have to convince them or invent a "bigger threat" than blacks aND Mexicans and jazz (damn you white people are brainwashed) to shift the budgets to. Maybe shrink the police force but increase salaries and maintain budget. Or redo them so there are two tiers of cops. Neighborhood cops and swat (standing army) teams.

The cops are not going to lose money if they can help it. Too used to new iPhones, dodge chargers, and laptops.