DEA at it again

As a new MM patient I guess I still distrust my government enough to know that I should stay out of the spotlight and stay well within WA state guidelines. I’m pretty sure that by doing that the DEA won’t be kicking my door in and if they do, a good lawyer will keep my ass from being a lounge lizard for the next couple of years. I don’t desire to be a martyr for my cause; I just don’t want to take 12 different prescriptions for something a little smoke could take care of.
I had a patient I took on caregiver ops for, once and never again unless I thoroughly screen them. Gave me the sad sack story that he was broke, cannot afford dispensary prices, etc. I decided to GIVE him 2 ounces a MONTH for FREE. I did this for like 4 months.
Figured karma would come around some day and we would all be better off. WRONG. I found out that lame ass was RESELLING the stuff I gave him so he could support his coke habit. :cuss:

yea, that shit...IS FU*CED UP! damn, cokain is a hell of a drug. BUT not every one is a raging coke addicted feind, lookin fer his next fix in a gutter on 7th street. just some.
Haha I live less than an hour from this guy and I remember seeing the profile on him the day before he got popped. They were interviewing him about his grow and he's like "I don't think anyone knows how close they are to someone growing." They were showing his "$600,000 home with rooms and rooms filled with medicinal grade marijuana," according to the news anchor. Then the next day I'm at work and the story about him getting hit by the DEA is on, guess you should stay hush hush even if you're legal huh? Why would you ever go on public television and admit your entire house was a grow op? Even if the DEA didn't get him, I bet a lot of the neighbors would not be happy. Seems pretty lose lose lose to me
It's not 10 an ounce because MANY ppl before you already ruined it..... greed made weed expensive.... and you carry on the tradition of greed.... There was a fellow earlier on another thread that grows major weed....and is a NON PROFIT ORG. That's the ONLY way to get me to tip me hat to big growers. He truly is in it to HELP other ppl. Making a career out it your way is really all about helping urself.

You could JUST as EASILY grow extra weed and sell it at 10 DOLLARS/OUNCE ... but you WON'T.

It's natural...but don't feed me that line about being a helping hand. Be honest about it at least.... else sell it for 10 bucks. other wise ur a hypocrite if you can't admit ur greedy...just like EXXON...:lol: I'll bet you hate those guys huh.... look in the mirror pal.

It costs more than $10 an ounce to grow just for the electricity. Throw in equipment costs, nutrient costs, the extra space needed to grow, the risk of jail, the risk of theft, the risk of crop failure, and your time. Whats that all worth? Anything below $250 an oz and its not worth it.

$250/oz sounds just about right to me, though I think you could get it down even lower then that on large scale outdoor grows. Like anything else the real expense comes from the labor, so a lot depends on how valuable you think your time is.
i was told by a lawyer, that as a legal grower, i should put down a $10,000 - 15,000 retainer. not on him either. he was not selling me anything. simply speaking at a mmj seminar.
fdd, Im really considering moving to Cali to grow, I know this is off topic, but I would really love to do it. One of my best friends is moving down there to become a cop, so I figure we'd be rivals haha,

If you would be able to give me any information it would be very appreciated. How hard is it to get all of the licences that are needed? Is the market down there becoming flooded with people trying to do the same thing? ect. Thanks man.
It costs more than $10 an ounce to grow just for the electricity. Throw in equipment costs, nutrient costs, the extra space needed to grow, the risk of jail, the risk of theft, the risk of crop failure, and your time. Whats that all worth? Anything below $250 an oz and its not worth it.
btw that was my point exactly.. you have to cover operating costs, plus a bit for your love and time :blsmoke:

$250/oz sounds just about right to me, though I think you could get it down even lower then that on large scale outdoor grows. Like anything else the real expense comes from the labor, so a lot depends on how valuable you think your time is.

Yes you definitely could, but with larger and outdoor comes more risk and as far as I'm concerned that is something you have to factor in. FDD is right about have an attorney on retainer or if not you really should have easy access to at least $10,000 at all times.
I think the guys intentions were good and he just didn't realize the consequences. His intentions were probably to show people hey this isn't dangerous and I'm not selling marijuana to kids. I sell to medical MJ patients and dispensaries that cater to them. It could be right next door and you'd never know it because we are just everyday people. He probably wanted to get peoples attention and say look it's okay but they minipulated it into something else entirely. If he hadn't said I would like to make 400k a lot of this wouldn't be under such scrutiny. If he woulda said I might make a 100k this year but this is a fulltime job and I have a huge overhead like any other small business. I try to supply the best meds at a fair price to my patients who depend on me for their medicine for ailments from cancer to AIDS and I will claim these on my taxes and I will be donating 25% to charity he might have actually helped.

o and I hope he beats it and is allowed to continue. This case could possibly set new precidents for us here.
...the Federal Govt WOULD NOT target legitimate medical grows (size doesn't matter if you are LEGAL)

Instead, Obama lied thru his F@$!&*? teeth...again! :cuss:

...the Federal Govt WOULD NOT target legitimate medical grows (size doesn't matter if you are LEGAL)

Instead, Obama lied thru his F@$!&*? teeth...again! :cuss:

size does matter.. thats what the new U.S. Attorney General recommend.. as of now they are usually after organize and large grow, but on occasions, they will stumble into a few legitimate grow here and there (espeically if someone front them off in t.v)...they are doing this for a few reasons:

1. a new administration review and policy

2. one of the worst economy in history - budget cut which restrict not just the DEA but all agency.... this greatly reduce staffing and resources... therefore, they cannot be everywhere and investigate every lead... more focus on criminal elements and the troubles south of the border ..

3. under policy review by this new administration, it cost more to prosecute and lock the little guys so it make sense for the agency to focus on large organize and criminal grow...

these are just a few major ones...

but its much better than in the previous administration...some of these headline that we are getting is not of the administration policy but rather from the DEA field supervisor in charge of that district which will make that call to bust or not to its important to distinguish the two....

Medical Supporters 'Outraged' By Obama's DEA Chief :finger:

Medical supporters say they are "outraged" over President Obama's re-appointment of Bush Administration holdover Michele Leonhart as chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

"The retention of this Bush-era holdover is a profound disappointment to all of us who hoped that Obama would bring meaningful change to Washington," lamented Dale Gieringer, director of California NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Laws).

Ok, we should all be better informed about this so we don't shoot the wrong guy which can set our movement back..
everything here is basically politic my friend.... the obama administration did not really reappoint mr. Michele Leonhart who is head of the DEA in the last bush administration and as of now... he has nobody to replace Michele Leonhart so Republican senators, especially Senator Richard Shelby from Alabama, have blocked most of obama appointees from other agency as well..everything is politics.... therefore, mr. michelse leonhart will still have his positions until obama can have his appointee confirm from the senate... people still have to understand that the DEA is under the Department of Justice...although Eric Holder, the new U.S. Attorny General - who oversees the DEA, issue new recommendations and guildlines for the agency, it did not however change any under federal law, marijuana no matter if its medical or not is still consider an illegal substance...

our movement still have powerful friends in washington so thats how we know this new administration policy is better and a little bit more relax than any previous administration we have ever had... of course this is just the begining and we still have a long way to go!!!

anyone know who this guy is??? senate judiciary chairman patrick leahy? well, he is the senator from vermont... which is also another mmp state (without his help, vermont would not became a mmp state)... he is one of the most powerful and senior senators which oversee laws and juristrictions of the DEA.... long story short, he favor medical marijuana...

next guy up is this judiciary chairman john conyers... this guy is from the house of congress.... he too is very powerful and long time congressman from michigan...michigan, does that ring a bell? it should because michigan just became a mmp state not long ago... he also mangle with local state politic to help it pass in michigan... he too oversee laws and juristrictions of the DEA...

now if you guys get the point, both are powerful judiciary chairmans in both senate and congress which oversee laws and juristrictions of the department of justice which the DEA is under, both help and favor medical marijuana in their own state, so thats how we know we have some powerful allies for our movement...oh, both are democrat along with a a democrat president so it helps to be from the same party... remember, no new laws are being change here so obama can only do so much without it being ratify from both the house and senate.... but i have to say that more needs to be done at a federal level... i know i sound bais but i am neither a democrat nor a republican, but rather for anything that favor our movement!!!

HIGH TIMES just issue medical marijuana "ultimate dispensary guide" and they (high times and experts) will tell you that under this new administration, policies have relaxed and is favorable for the cause... so my whole point for you and others who might want to shoot the wrong guy is that it will eventually hurt our cause and movement too if we are not better inform together as a united front....
1 Sooo i will NOT be able to do this, because i am me, and u KNOW me right??

2 YEA wen i get up to that level of growing i WILL be so furtunate to even HAND out a good o to a unfortunate patient, BUT of course U KNOW ME AND IM GREEDY RIGHT??

3 my room is FULL of mirrors, :shock::shock::shock::shock: i always look, and i see wat u obviously cant. a noble being.

CHECK OUT MY sig..." I DONT CARE WAT U SAY! im doin it" Its my buddies plant that ive been growing fer a half a year now, WHILE HES IN JAIL FOR A BS CHARGE. IM SO DAMN GREEDY huh??

GO suck on that pedistool ur sitting on.

I can only go by ur posts ... you were the one who said you are making it a CAREER. (mirror)

well lets see FLY .. I grow 100 plants and get 3 Z's per plant...that's 300 Z's and at 10/ounce ...that's three grand ... more than enough to cover costs.

It's about PROFIT. Just be clear about it. It's greed, no different from any other INDUSTRY. Greed is a constant and makes the world go round.

Big Grower ... oil executive....same thing.
I can only go by ur posts ... you were the one who said you are making it a CAREER. (mirror)

well lets see FLY .. I grow 100 plants and get 3 Z's per plant...that's 300 Z's and at 10/ounce ...that's three grand ... more than enough to cover costs.

It's about PROFIT. Just be clear about it. It's greed, no different from any other INDUSTRY. Greed is a constant and makes the world go round.

Big Grower ... oil executive....same thing.

isn't that almost 19 pounds? i don't think you can grow 19 pounds with only 3 grand. i could be wrong.