Active Member
i would have said fuck you, YOU better shut up and stop yelling if YOU know whats good for you, plus a third of harvest and i will keep my mouth shut
Normally, Yes. Snitches in there are a lot of people quick to snitch on here. Who gives a fuck if she's dea you don't fucking snitch. You kids need a damn baseball bat to the knees.
anything to justify snitching i guessNormally, Yes. Snitches in Ditches.
I'll say it again though.. in this case.. IMO it is a duty of the people to inform on the people who's JOBS it is to CARRY out the LAW. Society goes to shit when people that uphold law no longer see themselves as everyone else, and subjected to law. The law that THEY carry out LOL.
And again yes.. snitches have no place in my life.. but when it comes to law enforcement and dirtyness.. im all for it. Hell if i even see a Narc or detec let some punk kid go cause the little bitch's daddy gave him a cop car dor somethign.. heck if i saw something like that i'd even report the cop lettin him off. I'd report him every single time. It's called FOLLOW THE LAW.. especially if you ruin peoples lives over it.
I'm sick of cops dragging people out of cars on high speed chases and looking all super heroish on the show COPS.. while their off duty buddies or family friends and relatives get handed out cop cards to go out DWI'ing and killing people. They can suck on both my left and right nut.
if that makes me some bitter person lol then so be it.. in the end.. we are all products of experience and environment.
are you serious?? ever hear the quote, Don't poop where you live, this is the same, you don't fuck with a DEA agent, You don't know what she has going on and if you think there going to bust into a dea agents house because some retarded kid says she has a pot plant, it isn't going to happen. it isn't your responsibility to rat either. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and it will take you alot farther in life.nobody is talking about snitching on your boyz if the water gets hot. that wouldn't be cool. what you don't say can't come back to bite you in the ass. so keeping quiet is key.
but this bitch is a DEA agent. she dedicates her life to putting people behind bars for doing what she's doing.
the job of law enforcement is one that cannot be taken lightly, and we must hold every member accountable for breaking the law, just as every day people are held accountable. EVERY member of the Law Enforcement comunity MUSt BE 100% dedicated to their cause. it's a public service job. When they get sworn in, they become PUBLIC SERVANTS.
even if I despise the DEA with every cell in my body, I expect every member of LEO to follow the letter and spirit of the laws they're sworn to protect. even the laws i don't agree with.
i would also be very careful about snitching, do it via an anonymous forum if need be. but there's a chance it's just an undercover operation (i don't know why the DEA would be growing weed but those fuckers say weed can kill you if you smoke too much so IDK), and you're whistleblowing will get YOU in trouble.
next time you confront her be sure to acertain respect. she cannot scream at you, order you around, or else. get a notorized, sealed envelope containting a sworn affidavit where everything that has happened is de-briefed. use dates, times, and specific language: Immature, mother plants, clones, HPS, drip system, everything you remember. tell your attorney he's to open that envelope and forward copies to the US district attorney for your state, and all major media outlets in your region, only if you allow him to.
let her know that her threats will not be taken lightly, that as far as you're concerned you fear for your life, and that you have an attorney, so you have nothing else to say to her unless he is present.
it's the public's responsibility to hold their officials accountable for their actions, whether you think so or not. it is a flawed system that has allowed officials to get away with corruption, while the public looks away towards britney and gaga, that's the core of the issue. that doesn't mean that the public has to look away.are you serious?? ever hear the quote, Don't poop where you live, this is the same, you don't fuck with a DEA agent, You don't know what she has going on and if you think there going to bust into a dea agents house because some retarded kid says she has a pot plant, it isn't going to happen. it isn't your responsibility to rat either. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and it will take you alot farther in life.
Totally agreewow there are a lot of people quick to snitch on here. Who gives a fuck if she's dea you don't fucking snitch. You kids need a damn baseball bat to the knees.
thats proof of nothing....who is to say he dont just find some random pic off the net and say its her plants....get a pic of her..with her badge on in front of the plants...then ill buy itSo what, go out there right now and snap a quick picture, it'll take 2 minutes.
Bam, proof right there, that's all it takes.
yeah because she would be so down with me taking a pic of her with her plantget a pic of her..with her badge on in front of the plants...then ill buy it
yeah because she would be so down with me taking a pic of her with her plant
but if you don't believe me its cool man like i said i would have a hard time believing all of this 2 so its cool
i just really wanted to know what every body thought of this and if they have seen some thing like this b4 thats all
ask her if she wants to match a blunt..then ask her if she wants to fuk lolSO I know this kid whose mom is a DEA agent and she grows and smokes weed so what do you think i should do