DC's Round 2 Multi strain

hahaha you must be high..lol

I don't know why you couldn't pm me..weird. Sent you one about 20 min ago, gotta grab a shower, I'll check in after.
ill tell this story youre a bike fella , my ole man totaled his 2014 soft tail . he said the throttle stuck wile passing a car . had 2 riders in front of him so had 2 choices take out the guys in front or try the middle grass median . he took the median at about 60mph the story goes but lost it when he hit a bit of a rise on un even ground . 3 broke fingers on left hand 2 broke toes on left foot dislocated thumb and torn ligiments on righr hand 3 broke ribbs bruised lung small tear in his liver and a knot on his head .
i had to laugh at him when he tried to wipe his nose with 1 finger on each hand he could use lol . in for a 3-4 day stay at vanderbuilt medical
grow is looking good btw
Wow he only had to hit the engine kill switch above the throttle. One has to remember its there for that reason. I have had a few close calls where cars dont pay attention but i was so i got out of there way and thanked God.
Wow he only had to hit the engine kill switch above the throttle. One has to remember its there for that reason. I have had a few close calls where cars dont pay attention but i was so i got out of there way and thanked God.
you are right or hold the clutch but he hadnt ridden regularly in 25-30 yrs & on a new bike . i wasnt a fan of him getting a bike because of that reason .

there were 7 familys in the trauma care unit that night and all were because of bike wrecks some fatal .so the ole man was lucky
Thanks MO. I cant wiat to see the reults compared to the CMH/HPS. I know the t5 is on smaller plants but i am looking at colors/trichomes/resin and over all quality. I will know soon enough.
The ati bulbs i am using have deep penetration power and are German. those Germans do it right. 648 watts in a 20"x46" should really rock it. I am excited for the results can we speed up time lmao.
induction lights are the shit , but you have to order them from china to afford them 320$ vs 12-1500$ for a 500 watt i grow
Its not induction it is a t5, they're totally different lights bro. And for the record Igrow shouldn't be your go to reference of the american induction, they have come off kind sleezy in my few interactions with their reps. The problem with the lamps from china is the warranty is out of china and good luck getting those fuckers to honor that warranty. Theres a guy on this site who bought his Riant (china) induction lamp right around the same time I got my Inda-gro. His failed twice and then they stopped replying to him.... then he got an inda-gro lol.
Lets see the gals DC, you got any bud porn to share?
Its not induction it is a t5, they're totally different lights bro. And for the record Igrow shouldn't be your go to reference of the american induction, they have come off kind sleezy in my few interactions with their reps. The problem with the lamps from china is the warranty is out of china and good luck getting those fuckers to honor that warranty. Theres a guy on this site who bought his Riant (china) induction lamp right around the same time I got my Inda-gro. His failed twice and then they stopped replying to him.... then he got an inda-gro lol.
Lets see the gals DC, you got any bud porn to share?
yes i know dc is using floro's . i was just saying that inductions are nice . as for chinese lights check out suzhou jolighting i have a 500 watt ordered thru alibaba but they have their own websight . so far so good ,as i think they make the i grow lights they look exactly the same
It wouldnt surprise me if they are the same since thats is where most induction bulhs are made. Do you have the veg and flower bulb? That was where Igrow lost me... for me I felt like I was paying for the warranty more than the light. I have a 10 year warranty on everything except the bulb.
It wouldnt surprise me if they are the same since thats is where most induction bulhs are made. Do you have the veg and flower bulb? That was where Igrow lost me... for me I felt like I was paying for the warranty more than the light. I have a 10 year warranty on everything except the bulb.
i have the veg /flower all in 1 bulb one side is blue the other red/purple.
Good morning all. I am not going with induction. I will stick with what i got till next summer then maybe get another t5 or led. depends how well this t5 does. here is pics.
Under the T5 now every plant showed flowers starting at 12 days. talking about a fast plant this c99 is rocking it.

The big ladies under the super hps 600 & 400 cmh now i super cropped 12-14 tops that was gonna hit the lights for sure when buds grow.


Now for the new addition to the Veg room Ghost yep here they are and this weekend they will be up potted and then start top/lst. 2 plants of ghost.


those ghosts are gonna be fun to grow.
My soil is like a sponge but when it gets dry it needs to soak so I let it sit in the flooded tupperware for a minute and then move it to a draining place. When it was really hot I would let the plant stay in the flooded tupperware. In two days it would be dry again!
my soil will soak it in also it has
potting soil
clay pellets
peet moss
wood chips
perlite in some. I use a fwe drops of dish soap every 3 watering so act as a wetting agent to insure no dry spots. I am also adding gypsum/azomite/kelp/Dlime and 1/2 tsp of 10/10/10 to each 2 gal of soil mix. I can say when they start taking off they grow so fast. but i let mine mature 8 weeks then cut them back(well i did that for the big 6. they wont stop growing but they have slowed and are flowering real nice. Okay i am rambling.
Wood is a great compost item. I was going to use the sawdust from my wood floor and then I found out walnut is bad for composting!