DC Seed Exchange

Honestly, I can't imagine how it would fail. Tracking shows every step of the journey and would know the postal carrier at the end destination. Prior to that, it's all handled between sorting centers that wouldn't allow individual handling, much less inspection and opening of a package.
The last statistic I heard was that USPS has somewhere around a 70-80% positive scan rate, compared to both UPS & FedEx with positive scan rates at mid-90%. Seems like if USPS is missing 20% of scans, there’s a reasonably good chance that something can get misplaced if a machine jams, a mail bag gets loaded onto the wrong truck, or whatever else you could imagine. The last missing package of mine that USPS found was in a mail bag that didn’t get loaded onto a truck, according to the USPS report. I’ve had a couple other packages that have just stopped getting scan updates and were never delivered/returned. Like I said, it’s possible I just have really bad luck with USPS.
Reading about the USPS brought back a memory from the start of my newspaper career in '82 . I started off like many did in the mailroom . We got mail bags from the PO on pallets , at the beginning of the the night someone had to make neat stacks before the presses ran .

Doing this one night an envelope dropped out . The stamp had been postmarked 7 years earlier . It had been stuck in that dusty old canvas bag sitting on a pallet in a warehouse 7 years .
Big thank you to Paul. Came through with a lot of freebies! Ordered 2 packs and ended up with 6! Now I'm stumped on what to pop. He threw the fireballs in for freebies from Bob's Bitchen seeds, super stoked to have them again! I've ran them 3 times at least a few years ago. Happy to have some more! Might have to make my own this time to keep them around for the long haul.20220210_174111.jpg
DC Seed Exchange has ten percent off starting tonight at midnight for presidents day. Also two new strains from Binary Selections BlkMrr line are being released on the 22nd. Briscos Bargain Beans is also having a killer contest for Valentine's Day for a ton of cool seeds. Every seed pack bought from Brisco's gets you an entry into the drawing. Just thought I'd bump the thread and let people know about one of the best seed companies in the business. Don't forget, if you're a veteran he offers ten percent off just ask him for the discount code.
I can't speak for Paul, but I'm happy not to have that knowledge. :wink:
She'll calm down once I grow out the strawberry and bananas F1's I have from you. She's been after me to grow them since November but I received clones for my birthday at the same time that I had to plant and flower as we have a 4 plant limit. I'm just about done with them, two weeks at most, and then I'll have space to satisfy the scary wife:mrgreen:. I kid about her but I'm lucky to have a good one, 24 year's in July.
She'll calm down once I grow out the strawberry and bananas F1's I have from you. She's been after me to grow them since November but I received clones for my birthday at the same time that I had to plant and flower as we have a 4 plant limit. I'm just about done with them, two weeks at most, and then I'll have space to satisfy the scary wife:mrgreen:. I kid about her but I'm lucky to have a good one, 24 year's in July.
Congrats! I'm lucky in that way too. 24 years in September.
DcSeedExchange is legit, big shout out to Paul. I placed an order and had a slight mix up occur, but the crew at DcSeedExhange took care of it right away, they sent me the correct pack the following day. Great customer service, very quick with message replies, and credit card payment was smooth too. I'd recommend them to anyone and I'll definitely be buying from em again