DC Seed Exchange

I grabbed some g13/hashplant and monkeyballs from Hazeman and the sr71 purple indica seeds. It took a bit for my payment to get there, but everything came back my way fast. Good communication from Paul. I would use DC again....

My only thing is you guys need to drop the manifest destiny seed from your bank. That shit is straight racist against native people.
And how is that for those of us that are ignorant.
I get that the idea was horrible but calling a seed name racist 150 years later and asking a bank to drop it seems extreme. Before I'm labeled a racist or native American hater, I spent 4 years working with Running Strong For Native American Youth during my winter break from college in South Dakota on reservations delivering mattresses to kids that had asked for them for Christmas because they were sleeping on dirt floors. I've seen up close and in person how crappy reservation life really is. I just think we get too easily offended by names. I grew up in DC and if I got offended every time I was called a bad name I would have had a rough life. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone, I know it's a sensitive issue. If I did it was unintentional.
I get that the idea was horrible but calling a seed name racist 150 years later and asking a bank to drop it seems extreme. Before I'm labeled a racist or native American hater, I spent 4 years working with Running Strong For Native American Youth during my winter break from college in South Dakota on reservations delivering mattresses to kids that had asked for them for Christmas because they were sleeping on dirt floors. I've seen up close and in person how crappy reservation life really is. I just think we get too easily offended by names. I grew up in DC and if I got offended every time I was called a bad name I would have had a rough life. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone, I know it's a sensitive issue. If I did it was unintentional.

While I agree it's a little strong to call the name outright racist (I'm sure the founders are just clueless and thought it sounded cool. I mean, their logo is am exploration era ship, which being that Manifest Destiny refers to the land based expansion of the US towards the west is a bit of a disconnect to begin with) it's still a really tone deaf and terrible name for a company. There's no other industry where that would fly, it's just cannabis breeding is still flying enough under the radar that they can get away with stuff like that. Personally I've just chosen not to purchase anything from them. I'm sure I'm not alone, so from a business perspective alone they should probably consider changing their name.

As for whether or not DC Seed Exchange should drop them, that's a more nuanced discussion. Due to the absolutely atrocious education system in the US, I'm sure most people just have no idea how offensive the term can be. I mean, I grew up in an extremely liberal area and I remember Manifest Destiny was taught as a good thing, because it was the beginning of the US becoming established as a world super power. The fact that it was driven by Westerners belief that they had a God given mandate to subjugate and convert the Native Americans and spread Christianity and the "rule of law" west from the original colonies and across the entirety of the country was largely glossed over. Probably still is being that my kids curriculum doesn't appear much different than mine was.

I'm actually going to ask my teenager if she knows what Manifest Destiny even is now that we're talking about it. Something tells me I know the answer, and it will make me sad.
This is something for the politics thread,because the Manifest Destiny was devastating to a lot of different cultures, most notably the Native Americans
I went to school in the 70s and was taught a fairly rosy point of view as far as the westward expansion as far as I remember. It wasn't until college and later in life that I really saw how poorly that we had treated the native American people. Public schools today do such a poor job of teaching anything, at least when my kids were in school, that I'd be surprised if my kids had even heard the term manifest destiny. It had been about 40 years for me so I had to jog my memory. I've never checked out the breeder to be honest just because I haven't really heard anything great about them from my buddies that grow. I've got too many good seeds to grow already as it is.
Remember meeting a douchey “rapper” in a studio with the stage name “Manifest Destiny” 10 or so years ago and asked him what was up with that name, because I thought it was messed up. He gave the most nonsensical explanation. I came to find out it was thought of as a cool thing to younger idiots.
I just purchased some Super Strawberry Diesel from your company. I remember winning a pack of Strawberry Diesel from Reservoir Seeds back in 2007. I grew one plant, one seed, best plant I've ever grown. I look forward to growing out this Hazeman version.
Maybe the name Manifest Destiny, in context, is the name chosen by the grower who had a clear vision of what he wanted to do with the seeds he collected. I got that idear from simply reading the bio of that company. Hell, my own manifest destiny was to become as good of a guitarist and musician as possible. I'm still pursuing that goal. No historical context needed IMO.

Not to take the DC seed co thread off topic....sorry. Sometimes I have to write what I think.
I always thought manifest destiny was some guru mind speak on par with 'a course of miracles' or some other flimsy philosophical idea that therapists throw around with DBT and CBT and primal therapy and the likes. Also wouldn't be surprised if it were the name of some bad rock band, or multiple bad rock bands separated by an entire universe of similar failures.
Maybe the name Manifest Destiny, in context, is the name chosen by the grower who had a clear vision of what he wanted to do with the seeds he collected. I got that idear from simply reading the bio of that company. Hell, my own manifest destiny was to become as good of a guitarist and musician as possible. I'm still pursuing that goal. No historical context needed IMO.

Not to take the DC seed co thread off topic....sorry. Sometimes I have to write what I think.

Yeah, I agree that's probably what the breeder's thought process was. But it's problematic, as is your use of the term, because that's just plain not what it means. It's a very specific term coined in the mid 1840s to describe the United States' "God given mandate", so their obligation from a higher power, to remove the Native Americans from their lands and claim them. Its not just a catch all phrase for whatever you believe your life's mission may be. It's Manifest Destiny with capital letters. It's a proper noun. It has nothing to do with your vision for your life, it's the name for a nation building philosophy based around Christian European superiority. It's complicated of course, because most of us don't exist if the US stops expanding at the Mississippi. But it's honestly not much better than naming a breeder Trail of Tears Seeds as far as I'm concerned. If your gonna name your company after a term based off real history, you should really Google it first.

I was gonna go more in depth but your right, this conversation probably doesn't belong in this thread at this point. Just wanted to point out that your colloquial use of the phrase veers away from its actual meaning.
Great selections and great service !
And that's the truth! Paul has been keeping my jars full since I didn't know an auto from a photo and I was having hermi seeds from light leaks. This year will be the 6th year I've been buying from him and I can't remember ever being disappointed in his service. I don't know too many other businesses I work with that I can say that about.
Maybe the name Manifest Destiny, in context, is the name chosen by the grower who had a clear vision of what he wanted to do with the seeds he collected. I got that idear from simply reading the bio of that company. Hell, my own manifest destiny was to become as good of a guitarist and musician as possible. I'm still pursuing that goal. No historical context needed IMO.

Not to take the DC seed co thread off topic....sorry. Sometimes I have to write what I think.
Because you can definitely manifest your destiny
Got my order a couple of days ago. Great communication, very fast delivery, and awesome freebys. I'll be ordering many more seeds from DCSE. Can't wait to pop my wookie cookies and clown royal... and the Happy Pussy X F13 freebys!
Got my order a couple of days ago. Great communication, very fast delivery, and awesome freebys. I'll be ordering many more seeds from DCSE. Can't wait to pop my wookie cookies and clown royal... and the Happy Pussy X F13 freebys!
If you don't mind please post an update on those wookie cookies on here. I was sooo close to getting some but my freezer is already full of seeds I don't have the time to run because of our stupid four plant limit. If they're really nice I still might grab them and just hold on to them until I can work a couple in. I'd really appreciate it.
If you don't mind please post an update on those wookie cookies on here. I was sooo close to getting some but my freezer is already full of seeds I don't have the time to run because of our stupid four plant limit. If they're really nice I still might grab them and just hold on to them until I can work a couple in. I'd really appreciate it.
Will do. It will be a couple of months but I'll definitely let you know. I can't wait to see what they'll do.