Long time reader of the forums, 1st time grower/poster. Unfortunately I have to report that something shady appears to be going on with either Paul or dc seed exchange and wanted to warn others about this experience.
After much research on reputable banks etc I ordered from DC Seed Exchange on February 13th. I Paid via E check by sending pictures of the check and waited. The next day I get a confirmation call from a number about the check from some guy with foreign accent , and I confirm that I did send that order/check for that amount( 150+ dollars) never ordering from them before I found this somewhat strange but figured so is the course with the quasi-legal souvenir/novelty seed market, as this is probably the 3rd part e check verifier just doing their job.... anyways time moves on. I get an email from them that day saying my order is on hold and to allow 24-48 hours for my e-check to clear before my order is shipped- seems pretty standard. No problem.
I then wait until the 20th without a word after seeing the check posted and cleared my account on the 18th....
so I reach out to their email with the following message
"Just wondering if there’s been any update on this! Saw the e check has cleared and em have been awaiting a shipping update since.
and get a reply from “mj” who is a new employee saying
This is Mary Jane, I'm Paul's new employee, I had to double check with our check processor, they didn't send us the image, I'm getting a copy and will deposit asap, I'll get this packed and dropped priority mail on Saturday for you. Sorry for the delay - I'll put in something extra for ya.
Happy Growing,
I reply " great thanks so much for the update" ,then wait- and wouldn't you know it ,tracking is sent my way that day before finally getting picked up/ shipped out on the 22nd, & arrives on the 24th. AWESOME. Got what I ordered and everything appears great....
THEN FAST FORWARD to 2 Days ago- on march 31st ( well over a month after everything completely paid for and delivered) I get a highly suspicious email that appears to be from DC seed exchange/paul stating that my check bounced. Found it in my SPAM folder which was also perplexing- here's the exact email quoted
Now I don't know about you but that got my scammer senses tingling and is really weird especially since the check cleared,( confirmed again in my records that very instant through my online banking)
So a little apprehensive but still trying to give them the benefit of the doubt......I reach out to them stating my concern about this, and after indeed confirming that this email appears to be their known email address, I decide to reply, and even write another email copy through their website contact address link additionally ,just in case.
My message was as follows:
Hello I just saw this message in my junk mail, checking my banking records however and the e check cleared and shows as such in my bank account on feb 18th. I’m happy to provide this information , however I wanted to confirm with you guys 1st as this does come off as highly fishy/scammy, is this message delayed/mistaken/ increased for someone else?
Either way would like to get this sorted, but as previously stated my check went through and cleared in February so not sure what you mean.
I finally get a reply today a mere couple hours ago simply stating
" Hi __________ (misspelled name this time)
Yes your check bounced. Please see attached.
To settle up, you can send your payment via CashApp to (no comments please, I’ll know it is you):
Don’t have CashApp try it using my code and you will get $10:
Or you can also send cash or blank money orders, sent via Certified or USPS Priority Mail (please do not require a signature) so you can track the funds. Please include your invoice and send to:
Sunny Vera Family
PO Box 92363
Washington, DC 20090
Please confirm when your donation has been sent. If you have any questions please let us know.
I reply AGAIN getting frustrated now that something is obviously a foul and instead of this being some mistake on their end, it seems more likely that whoever is on the other end is trying to scam me by getting me to cash app them funds AGAIN after already paying under some threat that it will "get sent to collections" So i send him via email a bank PDF showing the check cleared...bank letterhead and everything on it ( don't worry nothing that dangerous information wise for those to further scam me )
"Paul, my check cleared and shows as such in my account. So you must be mistaken, as you can see it’s both posted and cleared. So I will not be cash app-ing additional money and double paying.
Please see the information attached, it’s the official statement from my bank. Thanks, hope you sort this out and I’m trying to help all I can but it’s pretty clear that it’s been settled in my end."
I found it strange that nothing was mentioned in regards to addressing my concerns about how scammy this sounds, no elaboration on whats happening etc, and completely ignoring the timeline and everything mentioned in my previous emails about how it has cleared my account well over a month ago.... Regardless he attaches a low resolution black and white "scanned" check copy that looks not at all kosher/ proper resolutions with a refer to maker stamp on it and a blunt email stating:
"Well _______, I'm not sure what to tell you except that your checked bounced. I didn't forge the document nor would I contact you if it didn't. Call your bank, the file I sent is a legal copy sent to me from my bank and send them the attached copy of the check. In addition, I was charged $25 for the pleasure of doing business with you.
I don't care about the money but you should know what the facts are.
Flaberghasted that this is really happening,and that the presumable business owner has either been hacked, or is genuinely trying to rip me off again, I do exactly that and call my bank right then and there... I wait over an hour since lines are pretty busy (since you know the end of the world is happening right now etc) and CONFIRM with the banker that it did clear on the 18th, they have an image of the said check and everything's exactly as it should be. IT NEVER BOUNCED and CLEARED! Case closed. I reply saying such and feel good knowing that everything's good on my end.
Just wanted to give everyone else a heads up; I'm a real chill guy who tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, but something is clearly fishy going amok with Paul/ DC seed exchange. Either he's attempting to scam people now, or his website/private info/ data has been hacked and now others are going around trying to scam others.
With the headache and extra time this took to resolve this I"m quite bummed, as initially ( even after the poor delay/ communication) I was pretty satisfied with the overall experience before all this S*@& went down out the blue over a month after the fact.