Daylight Savings Time

Should the US Adopt Permanent Daylight Savings Time?

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Who the hell has time for this :(. I’m still trying to get used to getting up an hour early lol. Yes leave it at DST so I can get more shit done at night.
We don't get to see the sun much in Michigan anyways during October-late May, so yeah I say screw changing the clocks.

It might make more sense to stick to standard time though, not sure why they picked this one. But whatever really.

agreed. Standard time makes the most sense
We need Daylight Standard Time or Standard daylight time.
Just split the difference 1/2 hour and leave it the fuck alone!
Hot issue.

I'm going back to setting local noon from the old way of closely observing a stick in my back yard.
I thought temporal progression was linear and inversely proportional to velocity, at v=c, t=0
but at the quantum scale it falls apart.
The people who live down this way want to have DST year round. The people in the northern parts don't.

I hope the DST becomes permanent, and you northern folks will get used to it.

Ummm huh? Who wouldn’t want an extra hour of light after a work day? 3 years to retirement, then I don’t give a fuck as I’m throwing my citizen watch in the lake lol.
I think Arizona is basically on year-round DST. Their sunrise is 7:30am in December, so maybe 7:45am here. I'll take that.
Do please remember that by the time the sun breaks the horizon (ie, ‘dawn’) it’s already been functionally well-lit for close to 2 HOURS….

Personally, I live in the middle of a bunch of trees (all my life), so actual dawn is never seen - it just gets too bright to sleep…and by that point, I’m *already* late.

Standard time is standard for reasons…do NOT need a bunch of chuunibyo fairy tales about how much better it would be if everything were different….
I'm flexible and have no preference, but some do struggle with the time changes. A happy light at the tail end of the day, in winter, helps to reduce SAD -seasonal affective disorder.

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So true and boy did my dog remind me..but now he wants his 3rd walk earlier (I usually do at sundownish) I had to show him how high the sun was and that I'd still take him but to please make certain and do everything because this is the last.

Poor sweet dog in the looks as if he's blind.
Arizona has permanent standard time. Goldwater thought it was a commie plot.

It would work. You'd still get days with sun until 8pm but not 10pm. I'd prefer permanent standard time and wish they would leave it the fuck alone..and why is this a thing the Dems brought to Senate floor..ummmmmmmmm, no one asked 'we the people'..don't we get a choice?

The Senate which has done literally nothing in years THINKS THIS IS THE BURNING QUESTION ON EVERYONE'S MIND.

God help us.
Given some of the commie plots we’ve uncovered, maybe Barry was right on this…it certainly introduces a source of cognitive dissonance for no reason whatever.

But isn't that the ideology..the sheer definition of The Rightie? Multiple belief systems at the same time?