day worse looks like. other guy was right need to feed em


Well-Known Member
Its day two. Looks like it got worse..wish I had a meter..dont know if I gave them too much or not enough???? I wish I could fix this..I put fresh water and flushed but someone said that made it worse and i need to feed? Then another guy said I burt them..they were in alkaline water their whole life high pH was 12 it said on the test strips blue. Now I put drinking water that is PhD and I took out all the nutes..put sledgehammer flush..yucca extract I idk if its getn worse? I will put up pix. pic #1 will be from yesterday. .then others from see if yall can tell..since imma damn noob! :(



Well-Known Member
Stop messing with them. Get the PH in order and leave them for a couple of days. Then feed. Are you in Aero? Is this your first grow?

I personally use straight tap water now. I have seen zero difference in using RO water.

Are those seedlings in the same containers?


Well-Known Member
Ph is now fine..was in diff net pots..yes aero/dwc fox farm nutes..two days ago they were ok..the ph was fine..then I feed them..:( all hell broke loose.. but the spots I thought were from the high ph and lockout of nutes?


Well-Known Member
And my well water is too high in ph..thats what messed em up since jan I been using well water..12ph on strips..but I fixed ph let em sit..then feed them..not even as strong as ff said too..


Well-Known Member
Ya them spots is a deficiency and that was caused by lockout because of the high PH. you say you got the ph under control now, so feed them and wait.


Well-Known Member
It takes more than a minute for plants to really react to any changes you make, give it a couple days and don't chop off pieces of anymore leaves just because they aren't perfectly green.


Well-Known Member
Might want to make sure you are reading your pH right too. 12 is like ammonia or lye. It would kill you to drink and I doubt the plants would even germinate at that pH.


Well-Known Member
Yes thanks getting a damn meter..these are hydrion test papers made in new york..its wide range tho.:( well water was blue..thats 12? Maybe my dad put bleach lemme check again. .but now im using phd water filtered drinkn water.. $1 for 5 gallons..about how much I put..should I put more roots shot to bottom on the biggest two


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd get a second method to check that water - if it really turns out to be that high, send a sample to a lab to find out what's going on with your well. That's not an acceptable pH level right there for human or plant use... Any chance there is a treatment filter on the well water supply that might need to be adjusted or in need of maintenance?


Well-Known Member
You need a digital ph meter and calibration fluid. I used the same test strips when I started. They are only good for plain water. Once you start adding nutes they won't work correctly, or they will be inaccurate.

Milwaulkee PH600 is good, cheap meter. Just make sure you buy calibration fluid when you get your meter and calibrate your meter at least once a week.

The meter is worth it just to give you peice of mind. Before I got mine I was always second guessing myself and any problem I had was very frustrating!

PH is usually the first thing a grower checks when there is a problem. I always tell new growers that it's the first thing they should buy, definitely worth the investment. A gram costs 20bucks around me, you can get a meter for around 30.


Well-Known Member
FYI most Ph Meters are not water proof. I have broken 3 of those Cheap meters and now own an expensive water proof one. I am pretty careless though. Word of advice... Don't take readings over the water, haha. But yeah three of them. SMH


Well-Known Member
FYI most Ph Meters are not water proof. I have broken 3 of those Cheap meters and now own an expensive water proof one. I am pretty careless though. Word of advice... Don't take readings over the water, haha. But yeah three of them. SMH
Yea im looking at a hanna..whats so hard about getting a test sample. . Then checking? a noob on here not REAL life 28 been growing since a kid with my gma..but never in water wanted to for yrs...this idiot on ebay sold me soil ff nutes instead of I had salt building up..hopefully I can get them to come back..idk if I should use sledge hammer or just phd water? ???


Well-Known Member
Yea im looking at a hanna..whats so hard about getting a test sample. . Then checking? a noob on here not REAL life 28 been growing since a kid with my gma..but never in water wanted to for yrs...this idiot on ebay sold me soil ff nutes instead of I had salt building up..hopefully I can get them to come back..idk if I should use sledge hammer or just phd water? ???

I forgot...(got lazy) to wash the Hydroton (expanded clay pellets) between grows and am now seeing the consequences. I started using Zone by ductchmasters and it has helped the roots come back to life. Only use 1ml / gallon. Took about a week to see a good change.

Personally I would start with just ph'd water and see if that helps. It helps to start eliminating variables.


Well-Known Member
get rid of the hydro set up and get into organics, you dont need a ph meter and all that shit.
its way easier. K.I.S.S!!


Well-Known Member
get rid of the hydro set up and get into organics, you dont need a ph meter and all that shit.
its way easier. K.I.S.S!!
I and hell no I built this setup.ground I like I got the ph good..different nutes..much thanks to justugh..J... ty for the help..fed today floraseries.but just a light dose next time ill go full..hope I see a difference in a couple days?..anyone think so??


Well-Known Member
I forgot...(got lazy) to wash the Hydroton (expanded clay pellets) between grows and am now seeing the consequences. I started using Zone by ductchmasters and it has helped the roots come back to life. Only use 1ml / gallon. Took about a week to see a good change.

Personally I would start with just ph'd water and see if that helps. It helps to start eliminating variables.
Grows or nute swap? Did it do the same as mine? I also had a high ph gor a long time..stunted the shit out


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what you are asking?
Srry.meant when between changes or grows.

Im thinkn enzymes and bennies..anyone agree? And my water needed movement so I put a lil pump sideways making water spin kinda in the tote..I need to light proff it any ideas..thinkn cardboard and foil