day fucking three


New Member
day three still no sprout im get with this damn sun not being out. any ways i finally have a lamp. i dont know how i got it but i do know i was high as fuck and drinking my fourth "four loco" but i have one now though. god help me with this grow please.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Seed doesn't need light until after it breaks the surface.

Germination takes longer than 3 days.

Calm down or you'll have a stroke.


Active Member
Dude-- too late this time, but next grow, pre-sprout so you KNOW they are viable-
Then plant the sprouts with the seed-shell at soil level (barely showing)

Just sticking them in soil is a much longer process... and often the seed digs-in deeper every time you water until it can't break the surface (the seed should be set on TOP of the already watered soil, then just a few pinches of wet soil placed on top to barely cover them) and you MUST keep them warm-- or they will rot instead of sprout... do you have a heat-mat?

I won't argue that seeds need the dark to germinate- but that is what they get when they are under the soil..., they usually will not sprout, or will take weeks to do so without light... you need a light , even a single cfl is plenty.... to get them to sprout.


Well-Known Member
woah woah ^, seeds can take extra time to sprout. if it's under the dirt for 2 weeks you can assume something is awry

wait, four four lokos? :shock:

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
For some reason this thread reminds me of the space shuttle...blowing up just after lift-off. How deep did you bury the seed?


I have had the best germination rate by soaking the seed in a diluted mix of kelp for 10 seconds. I then take a solo cup with a 75/25 mix of coco/perlite. I fill the cup up then take a spoon size scoop out of the middle and put vermiculite in the hole. I plant the seed at 1/4" deep in the vermiculite and use a turkey baster to water with. I use ro water until they are a few days old then switch to tap water for the micros in the tap water. I place the cups in a 1x2 tray with a hood and place on a heat mat. This helps keep the humidity up and the soil warm. I just did 32 seeds that way and had 31 poked up within 36 hours. The reason I went this way was I had some psycho crack seeds from sick meds that refused to germinate in a towel or cup. Not until I tried it this way did any of the seeds germinate. I've tried using the paper towel method and soaking in water and I will never do it that way again. This has been my most successful way to start my plants that I have used, and I've done over 500 MJ seeds FWIW. They DO NOT need light to germinate and should not have light. Nature does not have underground lights, nor does the suns light break the surface of the ground in the germination process. The only good a light will do is to heat the soils surface so the the seed has the proper soil temp to germinate in. All seeds, no matter what plant needs s certain soil temp to germinate in and marijuana needs 75 to 80 degree ground temp to germinate in. Make sure you are keeping the seeds in a warm place when you germinate them and when they are less then 2 weeks old. That will help a bunch. Just food for thought. Also, like one of the other post said, DON'T mess with them after you plant them. Let them alone, keep the soil moist, not wet. and if the seeds are good they will pop up.