Day 8.. How do they look?


They stretched a little bit so when I transplant them I'm just going to bury them deeper into soil.. When should I move it into a bigger pot?



Active Member
move them asoon as you see the roots coming out of the bottom thats when i move mine mate looking okay bruv keep it up :)


Well-Known Member
sweet jesus thats stretched although it might just be a crazy picture i would of buried it to the leaves


I'm growing my babies outside during the day and give them about 5 extra hrs. of light inside once it gets dark (18/6). I live in South Florida so they get heat & sunlight all day. Do they look ok for day 8? I've seen some plants w/ the 2nd set of leaves on day 7.. My 2nd set are coming but they're too small to see on the camera.


By say drop it to the neck you mean plant it deeper right? Would it be fine if I transplanted now so I can plant deeper?


i would say it is for sure not getting enough light and is doing a little stretch armstrong for more. when your home during the day try to move it around so it is always in direct sunlight. If it keeps bending like that at a young age there is a chance it will topple over. You can re pot it and like spex420 said burry it so only the leaves are showing.


Is this short enough? Idk why the leaves look like this thou, it's just the pic.. plant's just like it is in the other pic..



Well-Known Member
i would keep it one place or the other, its nov im not very experienced in outdoor grows but i believe oct,nov is when flower starts maybe your not getting the right spectrum but i think daylight is full so not really sure

you can disregard that, the point im trying to make is i would do one or the other hell you could do one of each and see what happens it does look alittle small for day 8, maybe a nearby tree is shadowing it during the day?