day 78 short rider pics

These are some pics of day 78 from seed for my purple rider (short rider I intentionally made purple with temp changes at various intervals in flowering)Day 78 (2).jpgDay 78 (10).jpgDay 78 (5).jpgDay 78 (7).jpgDay 78 (8).jpg
first grow I got 52g good bud from a short rider and 64 from a northern lights, this short rider however, I won't get more than likely 40 or 45 due to limiting the yield in favor of some aesthetic stuff. THe second northern lights I should again get 2 oz with no issue. all of these3 were in 5 gallon water pails cut in half, but I have started a northlight auto and have a just flowering super auto (super critical auto- fem) in full 5 gallon pails, the super critical might get to about 78-or80 going by size and I don't know for sure on the NL Auto. As soon as I harvest this fellow I will also start a short rider in a 5 gallon to see. keep in mind however, that I am a dirt grower , and I use CFL's so I am sure a good hydro setup would likely yield better. for any newbs reading this I will also offer 2 free pieces of advice that I have tested to be true:
1. stop reading all the BS old sh!t about autos and top them at 25 days from seed, they explode
2. if you are using CFL's you could end up with fluffy buds if you don't use enough watts - but a really good way to cheat this is to use Bud Blood not just in the first 2 weeks of flower, but also at about 60 days from seed, go full dose for 2 waterings, those buds turn to big dense beauties.

** this works for me, I cant speak for anyone else (nor do I really care of their opinions) , but if you try this top at day 25 from seed, and within 24 hours lst those babies down