Day 7 of Cure need a Little Input please


Well-Known Member
I let my plants hang dry for about 4 days the buds were crisp and the stems bent when i put them in the jars. while they were hanging and the first couple days in jars they had my room lit up. I would burp the jars spreading them on news paper also couple times a day til they were a little dry then back in jars. started to notice that plant smell that people say is bad to have couple days into Now the buds are pretty dry feel ready tryd a blunt there was no harsh taste it burned smooth no crackle and pops but the buds have no smell at all now.

I just want to know have I screwed up or Just keep on curing in my kool dark place for weeks will the smell and taste come????????????????


Well-Known Member
just leave them in the jar longer. most people cure for atleast a month, but the longer you go the better the taste and smell get.


Well-Known Member
so you think there is no smell? Put a bud into a baggie overnight and you will be blown away by the dank sweetness in the AM


Well-Known Member
uea that happems to all my bud, its just the clorphyll (cant spell) broke down, now you have to cure more to get the smell prob in another week or two. longer and it just gets better.


Active Member
Does it smell anything like mold?

I'm actually interested in this question, I have a jar myself that I'm afraid will crumble into dust because of mold.
Even though they look great at the moment, with 64% RH!

No visible mold at all, only this weird smell.
(5 days into cure, 3 days hanging.)

Problem is, the normal smell (even of "hay") is NOT there anymore , there is instead some weird smell there. I'm guessing the OP is having similar issues.

OP: Let me know how your cure went (did it mold or not?), I'll do the same.


Active Member
if the outside dries too quick the clorophyll smell/taste will be trapped. I also find that well trimmed buds tend to cure better and faster, at least in my experience. Leaf material seems to break down chlorophyll slower and retain its qualities.


Well-Known Member

today I checked the jars the buds don't seem to be getting any dryer and still no smell Im going to keep waiting people.

when i leave the jars open it have the whole house smellin like GOTTTT DAMNNNN!!! but up close on a bud it kinda turned down


Well-Known Member
no sweat man, sounds like you did fine. It depends on the strain, some take longer to regain the smell. I am curing some jack herer indica, and 1 day in the jar it smells amazing already. However, i have grown nirvana ice, and it took about 3 weeks beffore it started to smell like anything. and like you i was all worried, but give it time. If there is zero smell in a month then come back and you can worry, but that wont happen


Well-Known Member
just a little hint for you noobs..

when trimming your harvested buds.. its best to actually take off as much leaf material as you can. Why? Because the leafs are what have all the Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what is responsible for giving off that 'hay' or 'fresh cut grass' smell. The less leaf material you have.. the less chlorophyll there will be.. to evaporate.

Its not rocket science guys.. ;) Don't make it harder than it really is.. 90% of it is just common sense.

good luck.



Well-Known Member
Update: Its tasting better smell like fruit when you smoking a blunt smell still low upclose


Well-Known Member
Obviously the amount of drying time is directly related to bud density and size... Having said that my buds take 1-2 weeks to dry and move onto curing at about 50% humidity maintained by a dehumidifier. My guess is that you are not drying them long enough and you're putting them into the jars too wet. Get them shitz crispy before you jar them, don't worry they will be just fine. I made a mistake and jarred my crystal this go round too early. I let them sit out for 3 more days and then jarred them and burped them at least once per day. You should notice a nice odor within a couple days of curing.

A little hint, if you do over dry your buds you can use fan leaves to re hydrate them to a degree. Too dry is better than not dry enough when jarring your nugz IMO.


Active Member
I have some fresh trimmed buds in a jar for the 2nd day now. I hung dry for 5-6 days in a cardboard box with strings across the inside. It was a box that copy paper comes in from Staples...
I set the box on top of my LG dehumidifier, set at 40%RH...
I also use a small battery operated Temp and Relative Humidity meter...

I put the buds hanging on strings in the box sitting on top of the Dehumidifier for 6 days ...
Next i put all the buds into a brown paper bag and closed it up but left a little air still inside of the brown bag ...
Then after 24 hours i take the buds out of the brown paper bag and put them into a glass Mason's Jar ...

I did notice that after the jar is sealed up air tight for a while , when i open it and take a sniff its starting togrt that lemon pine smell that the buds had when they where growing ...

Oh that smelled so so good ...
I hope that the buds get that same smell back ...

I have not tried any yet so i dont know how it is yet... Some Bagseed...

I hope that i didnt dry them too much hanging them for the 6 days because they are very crispy ...well see'''...


Active Member
one other thing, is 20% relative humidity too low for drying the buds ???

With a Temp of 50-60 degrees ...


Active Member
if the outside dries too quick the clorophyll smell/taste will be trapped. I also find that well trimmed buds tend to cure better and faster, at least in my experience. Leaf material seems to break down chlorophyll slower and retain its qualities.
Fascinating! I left the leaf on to retain moisture (keep from drying too fast) and protect the buds, and to think i may have actually been counteracting any good done by curing.
Currently everything is in jars, daily burping, at which time I take a smell of each jar to make sure it smells sweet & pleasant and not grassy or worse yet, moldy.
So far it's all subtlety sweet (not the dank broken bud smell), no grassy chlorophyll aroma

Thank you for the tip! I'll try a better manicure prior to drying on the next ones.