day 6 autos cant keep temps down help


Active Member
day 6 008.jpgit is my first day of 600w and alredy i am struggling to keep the temp below 30 degrees cday 6 006.jpg the bedroom temp is around 24 but inside the tent is between 30-32 i have 1 exhaust fan as you can see and one circulating fan i have most of the vents on the tent open also humididy is 32% which is also to dry, its just the shear heat coming off my light any suggestionsday 6 005.jpg


Active Member
The only thing i can think of is get a aircooled hood,bigger exhaust u can try adding a intake, opening window in room its in make room cooler?
you might be able to temp down at canopy a couple of degrees by moving the light up a bit but then u will lose light intensity


Well-Known Member
if you cant exhaust the air out of the surrounding room or cool it with aircon, you will have to run it at night or open the tent door up so the temps for room and tent should be around 27.Get another osc fan too. Bro on a diff matter ,that light isway too big for those baby sprouts, get them out and under a fluro for 2-3 weeks and by that time the grow room should be getting cooler closer to Autumn. Humidity will be ok, it can vary at this time of year.


Well-Known Member
yes move your exhaust to the top of the room. also if the 600 is to hot. try cuting the light back put a cfl in for half the time. is your ballast in your net.
Home depot sells utility blower fans that cost around $60. They are made by lasko and push almost 400cfms on high and is still pretty quiet. You could use it for an intake & it would help a lot. I added 2 of them for intake/exhaust in my 9x9 greenhouse because temps were getting around 90-100 at the hottest point in the day, now it never goes over 90, usually stays below 87 degrees on medium speed. Also it pivots so if you stick it through an intake hole you can rotate it to blow towards your bulb. Or buy a $100 5,000 btu A/C but that will further lower your humidity.


Active Member
hi all thanks for the replies but literally i have alredy tried everything you have suggested, the only think i havnt managed to do is have a inlet and exhaust due to only having one inline fan but i am looking to buy one off ebay today, i was wondering if there was a different type of bulb i could buy or something one that gives of less heat but still keeping the 600w, the bulb i am using came with my tent and ballast as a kit and im not really sure what it is just a option, any oppinions


Well-Known Member
i would look into buying a cooltube for the price ov them its well worth it i havent had a problem with heat since


RIU Bulldog
It a little tough to control temp in a tent than in an a/c'd room, but the first thing id do is take the oscillating fan, and put it directly below your light and point it straight up at the bulb.
Heat rises, move the vent tube to the top of the tent and take the blower out of the tent. All machinery puts off heat, so take out the fans. Since you have no a/c in the tent, you have no choice but to run an air-cooled hood or lower the wattage, You say you did everything but I guarantee you didn't try using an air-cooled hood cause that lowers the temp about 8-10 degrees or more.
You either need a small a/c in the tent if you're gonna run bare bulb. Or you need an air cooled hood, that's it.


RIU Bulldog
You could look into pulse-start bulbs by Sunpulse. I hear the consume less energy and therefore burn cooler but idk for sure.


Active Member
no your right i havnt tried a air cooled canopy, i may have to try and design something to the idea, the temps are cooling down now and should drop from 20 degrees c anywhere down to -5 degrees c from now till next april so that will be on my side, but these little ladies may struggle if i cant do something immediadly, ill try to fashion a hood now and see what happens


Active Member
i have made a bit of a make shift cooled hood for tonight and already have noticed a 2 degree c temp drp, goin to design it a bit better tomorrow when the light is off, will keep you posted


Active Member
Day 9 the make shift hood cooler is doing a good job, it is keeping a constant 30 in there now which i know is a bit warm but its better than 32 lol the weather is cooling day by day which helps, however i am noticing a slight discolouring of the leafs slightly yellow and the stems are quite thin i know they are only 9 days old but should they be fattening up a bit???