Day 58, tell me what ya think.

Etta Place

Well-Known Member
I'm day 58 of flower, first grow. I'm not sure how close I am to finishing. If anyone could look at them and give me some clues. I can't tell if they are getting cloudy yet. I bought a loop, but these old eyes can't be sure. Thanks! 20151122_164520-2.jpg 20151122_164517-1.jpg 20151122_164427.jpg 20151122_164349.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Looks about done. Take a small sample and smoke it. I usually cut a small sample and let it quick dry. You'll get a pretty good idea. It usually takes around 3 days to dry if you find a warm area. Then I stuff it in my solo vape.

Etta Place

Well-Known Member
Looking good. Looks about done. Take a small sample and smoke it. I usually cut a small sample and let it quick dry. You'll get a pretty good idea. It usually takes around 3 days to dry if you find a warm area. Then I stuff it in my solo vape.
Thanks! I sampled a bud, it was nice! I'm scared to chop it to early. I need to hold off until at least the 5th, I've got shit to do!


Well-Known Member
What strain is it? Knowing that would let you know about how long it should take....kinda like an estimate though, each plant is a little diffrent.
Definitely not ready yet, imo, they look like they'll go a bit longer, patience at this stage will make a massive difference to the end result, looks pukka anyway mate, nice grow..