Day 51 PICS of Chocolope, Dinafem Cheese, Delahaze, and Buddha Tahoe


Active Member
Hey everyone, hope all is well with you and yours. I don't have the time to keep a detailed journal, but I did want to post a few pics of where I'm at right now, and also ask for some expert insight on one of the strains I'm currently growing.

This is my 4th grow, so I'm not a rookie, but I'm certainly no expert. There's been a lot of trial and error so far, but at least I've learned from the errors. What I do know is this: Nothing beats a big fat bowl of your own homegrown. Flat out, there's something incredibly gratifying about growing your own medicine. What a fantastic hobby.

I'm using a 600W digital ballast, with an air cooled hood that vents through a carbon filter into my attic. I turned the guest room closet into a greenhouse. I've been using a digilux bulb, and probably need to get another one for the next grow. Any bulb recommendations? The digilux are expensive as hell, so I'm thinking about the hortilux. Growing in 3.4 gallon air pots, with FFOF soil, and a smorgasbord of different nutes that I've picked up over the last year. Some of the stuff I got for free, so I've been mixing and matching brands. If anyone has any questions on the specific nutes, let me know and I'll break down my mix. One interesting nute I sprang for was the Yellow Bottle Ooze, which is used from weeks 4-6, and apparently messes with the plants growth hormones. Honestly, the verdict is still out on this stuff...this is the second grow I've used it on, and I'm not sure I can tell a difference. Anyone else used the Yellow Bottle line? If I noticed a major difference I'd buy the Phat, but I'm not sure I want to give them another $75 unless I can hear some positive testimonials from people that have used it.

I'm currently growing Chocolope, Dinafem Cheese, Paradise Seeds Delahaze, and Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe. We're at day 51 of 12/12.

Here's some pics:


Group shot, minus the Buddha Tahoe. From l to r, cheese, delahaze, chocolope.


Group shot, without the flash. I veg'd them for 3.5 weeks from seed, using CFL's. Topped them all once, and did some pretty extensive LST. All 3 of these plants responded well to training.




The 3 photos above is Chocolope. Lovely plant, with a smell that's really been developing over the past week. It does have a coffee/chocolate smell to it. It's been easy to grow, responded well to nutes, and the buds are really starting to fill out now. It's probably got another 2-3 weeks to go. Probably take her close to day 70. Can't wait to smoke this bud.



The 2 photos above are Delahaze. I'd heard and seen some great things about this strain online, with just some flat out massive buds being grown by numerous people. I had to give it a go, and so far it's living up to the hype. The buds are really starting to pack on the weight, and they're looking noticeably larger by the day. Plus, the buds are rock hard. It's been another easy plant to grow. If the smoke is as good as the reviews, this will probably be one that I grow again. I'm probably looking at taking this one to 9, maybe 10 weeks.




The 3 photos above are the Dinafem Cheese. Got this seed as a freebie a while back from Attitude, read some solid reviews on it, so decided to give her a go. I'm glad I did. Of these 3 strains, this will probably be the smallest yielder, but it looks like it's going to be dank as fuck. Very frosty, with rock hard buds. Very sticky (actually, all 3 of these strains are frosty and sticky). Has a unique smell, like a fruity pungent smell. This one's been easy to grow, hasn't given me any problems. I'm thinking that this one will be the first one to get chopped, possibly in 2 weeks. As you can see, it's covered in golf ball sized round buds.



That brings us to the last strain I've got growing, the Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe. This plant has been a royal pain in my ass. Things were looking great at first - I've never seen fan leaves as large as this plant had (emphasis on HAD, past tense). After switching to 12/12, everything went to shit. The enormous fan leaves started to yellow, and then just fell off. The rest of the leaves curled up like you see in the picture...I've tried a few different fixes, and none of them have worked. From what I can tell, the curled leaves are a response to too much moisture in the plant, or possibly heat stress. I'm pretty sure it's not heat stress, since the canopy sits at ~75-78 degrees. You can put your hand up against the glass on the reflector and it's barely hot to the touch. I have noticed that this plant requires MUCH less water than the others...I use weight of the pot to determine when to water, and this plant's pot stays heavy for much much longer. There shouldn't be any drainage issues, since I'm using air pots, and even added perlite to the FFOF. I've heavily backed off of the nutes with this one, and have been precisely PH'ing both the waterings and the feedings at ~6.5. That said, the buds are very frosty, and look dank dank dank, but they're just underdeveloped.

Does anyone else have experience with the Buddha Tahoe, or know what's up with the leaves curling like they are? I was so stoked when I got the pheno with the enormous leaves, since I'd read great things about it, but now...not so much. Definitely the lowest yielding plant of the 4 that I'm growing, and it seems more sensitive than my ex girlfriend, which is saying A LOT.

Okay, that's where we're at. I'll try to post some additional pics as we close in on the harvest, as well as a smoke report when that time comes. If you have any comments, advice, questions, please don't hesitate to chime in. I've learned pretty much everything I know about growing from these forums, so thanks to all of the experienced growers who take time to teach.


Active Member
Just realized that I made a mistake on the pics...the first pic that I posted, which I said was Chocolope, is actually Delahaze.

Here's the shot of Chocolope I meant to post:


She's the tallest of the bunch, and a real treat in every sense of the word.


Active Member
Your doing all this with one 600w bulb? Pretty awesome! I only use Hortilux bulbs and I've had nothing but good experience with them. May your good luck continue :-)


Active Member
Your doing all this with one 600w bulb? Pretty awesome! I only use Hortilux bulbs and I've had nothing but good experience with them. May your good luck continue :-)
Thanks! Indeed this is all from one 600 watt bulb. If I could go back in time I'd probably have gone with the 1000w, but the 600 is getting the job done. The ballast is made by Quantum. I think I'll be adding a light rail on the next grow - the reviews are 100% positive. May as well get the most from the 600w.

I think I'm going to give the hortilux a try. Thanks for your 2 cents, happy growing!


Active Member
Scratch what I said earlier about a light rail having 100% positive reviews. I just read a bunch of reviews that were fairly critical of them. Sounds like they can increase yield but not necessarily increase grow area. Not saying I won't get one, but it may not be the best use of the funds.


Active Member
Thought I'd take a sec an update this thread, since I snapped a few pics when the lights went off last night. Last night would have been day 54...we're getting pretty deep into flower at this point.

I fed them today, everyone aside from the Buddha Tahoe. I really wish the yield had been better on the Buddha Tahoe, because the buds are simply dank. Here's a shot of a tester bud I pulled off last night:


The buds on the Buddha Tahoe glisten. It's weird though, it doesn't really have a smell to it, and that kind of concerns me. For how dank it looks, you'd think it would have an equally dank smell. Has anyone grown dank weed that smoked great, yet had almost no smell? I guess we'll know how she smokes soon enough...I think that the poor yield on this plant was part grower error and part genetics. I did not find this plant easy to grow at all, and out of the 16 strains that I've know grown, this one was the hardest to get right. Very sensitive plant that reacted quickly to the slightest stress or imbalance. I couldn't really pinpoint the issue, and I never could get her dialed in. It's okay though, I kind of liked the challenge, and it took me out of my comfort zone.

This grow has been a mixed bag for me, not as high a yield as the grow before it, but I've definitely learned a lot going through it. I tinkered around with different variables to see the impact on growth...a little trial and error you might say. Also, I think I need a new bulb. All things being equal, I think I could have gotten a larger yield from a new bulb, this one's going on a year.

On the other hand, the Paradise Seed's Delahaze has been a pleasure to grow, and is coming along really well. The plant is sticky to the touch, reeks, is tolerant to nutes, and is getting fat. Here are some shots of the Delahaze I'm growing:



Here's a partial group shot of the closet:


In the front right is the lanky yet thick stemmed Buddha Tahoe, front left is the Delahaze. Back right is the Chocolope (awesome strain, will definitely grow again), and top left is Dinafem Cheese.

Added bonus, I just picked up a new portable vaporizer. Ever since I started growing, I've wanted a nice vaporizer. It's like a professional chef wanting a nice set of knives. I went with the Pax, by a company out of SF called Plume. It consistently received the best reviews of any portable vape, and I don't have anything bad to say about it. This thing rocks - it's like the ipod of vaporizers. I am totally stoked on this purchase, and if anyone's looking for a new vape they should check this thing out. Btw, I have no affiliation whatsoever with this company.

Here's the vape:


Green means go.




I'll update this post as we get closer to harvest.


Active Member
Okay, so here we are at day 60, only a few days away from chop town for a few of these girls. I gave them their last feeding today, so from here on out it's just going to be ph'd water and maybe a little liquid karma and sweet.

I pulled off a tester bud from the Dinafem Cheese:


Looks like dank to me. Here's a few shots of the entire plant:




The Dinafem Cheese has a funky beautiful smell, and the buds are rock hard. I'd say average yield, but incredibly frosty buds. With so many strains out there I want to try, not sure I'll grow this one again anytime soon (unless the smoke is just knock out), but it's been a solid easy to grow plant.

The DNA Seeds Chocolope is a must grow. The smell is hard to describe, and it's actually changed quite a bit over the last 2 weeks. There is definitely a chocolate/coffee note though. My guess is that these have another 7-10 days to go, although I've read some reviews that say to take these around week 8 for best flavor. Anyone have any input on when the best time to take this strain is?

Anyway, here are some Chocolope pics:



Not sure why this one keeps loading sideways:



The Chocolope is fattening up like crazy, the buds are getting harder, and she's going to be an above average yielder. I will definitely be growing this one again, and think I can increase the yield by 30-50% on future grows. That said, she's a winner.

The last pics are of the Paradise Seeds Delahaze. I really love this plant, there's just something about it that makes me happy. Maybe it has something to do with how dank the buds are. The pictures don't even do this plant justice, it honestly looks like it's about to start actually dripping resin off of it. My best guess is that she's got another 10 days until chop. She's changing by the day, and the buds are getting fat. Easy plant to grow, highly recommended.

Here's the Delahaze:




Not pictured is the Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe, which looks like some potent stuff, but probably won't yield more than an ounce. Kind of a disappointment, especially after seeing the large yields that others have gotten from this strain. Also frustrating because the pheno I got had enormous dinner plate sized fan leaves, but she didn't agree with something I was doing, and started dropped these huge leaves almost right after the 12/12 switch. Finicky little bitch.

Any comments/questions/feedback?

Thanks for looking, and happy holidays!



Good job bro! I'm growing the same cheese pheno right now and am interested in the final smell/taste/yield? From what you've described we have the same pheno as its got a grape/gdp heavy indica style smell to it and also has those dense frosted buds. I know this is late but from my experience with OG kushs is you really need to get their PH on point, I have had similar issues with a few different phenos over time and I've lowered my PH to 5.5 I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it's a sulfur deficiency which can easily be locked out in soil if the PH isn't there. In the future I would recommend taking a sample of your runoff and if your EC/ppms are higher than what you're feeding, flush and lower the PH. Happy Gardening!


Active Member
Good job bro! I'm growing the same cheese pheno right now and am interested in the final smell/taste/yield? From what you've described we have the same pheno as its got a grape/gdp heavy indica style smell to it and also has those dense frosted buds. I know this is late but from my experience with OG kushs is you really need to get their PH on point, I have had similar issues with a few different phenos over time and I've lowered my PH to 5.5 I can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it's a sulfur deficiency which can easily be locked out in soil if the PH isn't there. In the future I would recommend taking a sample of your runoff and if your EC/ppms are higher than what you're feeding, flush and lower the PH. Happy Gardening!
Thanks for the kind words, I'm loving these strains after a few weeks of curing. Lets see...I didn't weigh the final harvest, but it was enough to fill up 2.5 ball jars. Probably closer to 3 jars if you count the buds that I "sampled" along the way. It was a medium yielder, less than the Delahaze or the Chocolope, and more than the Tahoe. I definitely think we got the same cheese pheno...I barely have a temperature drop at night, and I still started to get a ton of purple in the last 10 days before harvest. Very colorful buds, with shades of purple and even violet coming out near the end. The buds aren't huge/long, more like tight golf ball sized buds all over the plant. Kind of a pain in the ass to trim, to be honest. Taste is great, although I'm pretty bad at "tasting" weed. That said, it tastes kind of like fruity pine trees when smoke through a vaporizer. I'd say it's more fruity than it is "cheesy" if that makes any sense. Of the three strains (Chocolope, Delahaze, Cheese), the Cheese is without a doubt the most indica of the bunch, perfect smoke for just chilling out or before bed. For what it's worth, everyone who's had a chance to sample my recent strains has picked the Delahaze as their favorite...not only are the buds COVERED in crystals, they literally smell like a bag of lemons. Great smell and great smoke, I would highly recommend the Delahaze if you're looking for something to grow.

Appreciate the words of wisdom on the OG Kush. I will check the Ph of the runoff in the future. I was Ph'ing my water/feedings to ~6.5, but it sounds like I should have dropped the PH a little farther down for these strains. I felt all along like it was a Ph issue causing lockout, I just couldn't figure out how to fix it. So you're saying that you lowered your Ph down to 5.5 in soil?


Active Member
Amazing looking plants! I was planning on running Chocolope on my next grow and you've convinced me all the way! Also looking forward to hearing about your yield/smoke report from Chocolope.


Well-Known Member
Amazing looking plants! I was planning on running Chocolope on my next grow and you've convinced me all the way! Also looking forward to hearing about your yield/smoke report from Chocolope.
I've been seriously looking at chocolope myself... Just tight on cash right now :/


Active Member
Amazing looking plants! I was planning on running Chocolope on my next grow and you've convinced me all the way! Also looking forward to hearing about your yield/smoke report from Chocolope.
Thanks! I would def give the Chocolope a go, it was a heavy yielder and a relatively easy strain to grow. Hold up...I'll go smoke a bowl of it and be right back.

Okay, where was I? Oh yeah, well I'm stoned as hell now off the Chocolope, after a ~2 week cure this stuff is potent. While potent, the high is also gentle, if that makes sense. It's definitely a's not making me want to veg out, but I'm not feeling speedy either. My Chocolope was more fruity than it was chocolatey, and even now with a 2 week cure the fruity smells are most prominent. Taste-wise, I can't say that I taste much chocolate, but I do get a sweet earthy taste. Again, I'm not that great at "tasting" weed (which is something I'm trying to work on...feels kind of like learning about wine), but through a vaporizer some of these flavors are coming out. The yield was higher than the Cheese, and about on par with the Delahaze. The buds were VERY easy to trim, which is always nice. Lots of bud, not much leaf.

I like the Cheese for melting into the couch, the Chocolope for the occasional daytime / after work smoke, and the Delahaze for blazing with friends before going out on the town. That's kind of how I've been planning my grows, trying to grow a variety of different highs. Since I'm just growing for myself (don't sell it, but hook some close friends up with weed), I've found that I like trying a really wide variety of strains...back before I grew, weed was basically was good, and dank, but you didn't really know the lineage of anything you were smoking. Now that I'm growing, I've discovered an incredible universe of different strains, and it's fascinating to see all of the different expressions of this one plant. Plus, there's really nothing more satisfying than smoking your own homegrown weed - what a great feeling.

Okay, now I'm stoned and rambling. In summary: Grow Chocolope, you won't be disappointed.


Active Member
I've been seriously looking at chocolope myself... Just tight on cash right now :/
Yeah, I'd heard a lot of good things about it, so decided to pony up the loot. Not a cheap seed though. I just finished my 4th grow, so granted I'm still a rookie, but I decided to start out on less expensive seeds to get my feet wet. Kind of funny though, the cheap seeds I grew on my first run are just as dank as some of the strains I've recently grown that are 3x the price. Basically, I don't think there's necessarily a direct correlation between price and quality, and you're also paying for a lot of marketing with the more expensive seeds. For cheaper seeds, I would recommend the Royal Queen seeds, specifically the Special Queen #1, which I grew. 5 female seeds for $20! And it's really good weed. Just my 2 cents. If money was tight, I'd definitely take the 5 Special Queen #1 over 1 Chocolope, but if you've got the cash, the Chocolope is a cool/unique plant to grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, hope all is well with you and yours. I don't have the time to keep a detailed journal, but I did want to post a few pics of where I'm at right now, and also ask for some expert insight on one of the strains I'm currently growing.

This is my 4th grow, so I'm not a rookie, but I'm certainly no expert. There's been a lot of trial and error so far, but at least I've learned from the errors. What I do know is this: Nothing beats a big fat bowl of your own homegrown. Flat out, there's something incredibly gratifying about growing your own medicine. What a fantastic hobby.

I'm using a 600W digital ballast, with an air cooled hood that vents through a carbon filter into my attic. I turned the guest room closet into a greenhouse. I've been using a digilux bulb, and probably need to get another one for the next grow. Any bulb recommendations? The digilux are expensive as hell, so I'm thinking about the hortilux. Growing in 3.4 gallon air pots, with FFOF soil, and a smorgasbord of different nutes that I've picked up over the last year. Some of the stuff I got for free, so I've been mixing and matching brands. If anyone has any questions on the specific nutes, let me know and I'll break down my mix. One interesting nute I sprang for was the Yellow Bottle Ooze, which is used from weeks 4-6, and apparently messes with the plants growth hormones. Honestly, the verdict is still out on this stuff...this is the second grow I've used it on, and I'm not sure I can tell a difference. Anyone else used the Yellow Bottle line? If I noticed a major difference I'd buy the Phat, but I'm not sure I want to give them another $75 unless I can hear some positive testimonials from people that have used it.

I'm currently growing Chocolope, Dinafem Cheese, Paradise Seeds Delahaze, and Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe. We're at day 51 of 12/12.

Here's some pics:

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Group shot, minus the Buddha Tahoe. From l to r, cheese, delahaze, chocolope.

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Group shot, without the flash. I veg'd them for 3.5 weeks from seed, using CFL's. Topped them all once, and did some pretty extensive LST. All 3 of these plants responded well to training.

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The 3 photos above is Chocolope. Lovely plant, with a smell that's really been developing over the past week. It does have a coffee/chocolate smell to it. It's been easy to grow, responded well to nutes, and the buds are really starting to fill out now. It's probably got another 2-3 weeks to go. Probably take her close to day 70. Can't wait to smoke this bud.

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The 2 photos above are Delahaze. I'd heard and seen some great things about this strain online, with just some flat out massive buds being grown by numerous people. I had to give it a go, and so far it's living up to the hype. The buds are really starting to pack on the weight, and they're looking noticeably larger by the day. Plus, the buds are rock hard. It's been another easy plant to grow. If the smoke is as good as the reviews, this will probably be one that I grow again. I'm probably looking at taking this one to 9, maybe 10 weeks.

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The 3 photos above are the Dinafem Cheese. Got this seed as a freebie a while back from Attitude, read some solid reviews on it, so decided to give her a go. I'm glad I did. Of these 3 strains, this will probably be the smallest yielder, but it looks like it's going to be dank as fuck. Very frosty, with rock hard buds. Very sticky (actually, all 3 of these strains are frosty and sticky). Has a unique smell, like a fruity pungent smell. This one's been easy to grow, hasn't given me any problems. I'm thinking that this one will be the first one to get chopped, possibly in 2 weeks. As you can see, it's covered in golf ball sized round buds.

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That brings us to the last strain I've got growing, the Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe. This plant has been a royal pain in my ass. Things were looking great at first - I've never seen fan leaves as large as this plant had (emphasis on HAD, past tense). After switching to 12/12, everything went to shit. The enormous fan leaves started to yellow, and then just fell off. The rest of the leaves curled up like you see in the picture...I've tried a few different fixes, and none of them have worked. From what I can tell, the curled leaves are a response to too much moisture in the plant, or possibly heat stress. I'm pretty sure it's not heat stress, since the canopy sits at ~75-78 degrees. You can put your hand up against the glass on the reflector and it's barely hot to the touch. I have noticed that this plant requires MUCH less water than the others...I use weight of the pot to determine when to water, and this plant's pot stays heavy for much much longer. There shouldn't be any drainage issues, since I'm using air pots, and even added perlite to the FFOF. I've heavily backed off of the nutes with this one, and have been precisely PH'ing both the waterings and the feedings at ~6.5. That said, the buds are very frosty, and look dank dank dank, but they're just underdeveloped.

Does anyone else have experience with the Buddha Tahoe, or know what's up with the leaves curling like they are? I was so stoked when I got the pheno with the enormous leaves, since I'd read great things about it, but now...not so much. Definitely the lowest yielding plant of the 4 that I'm growing, and it seems more sensitive than my ex girlfriend, which is saying A LOT.

Okay, that's where we're at. I'll try to post some additional pics as we close in on the harvest, as well as a smoke report when that time comes. If you have any comments, advice, questions, please don't hesitate to chime in. I've learned pretty much everything I know about growing from these forums, so thanks to all of the experienced growers who take time to teach.
No offense intended, but it's good to see air pots are what I thought they better than reg containers.

Nice plants!


Active Member
No offense intended, but it's good to see air pots are what I thought they better than reg containers.

Nice plants!
Thanks! And no offense taken, but I actually believe that the airpots make plants much larger. I used regular pots for my first grow, and have used airpots for my last 3. On my first grow with airpots, I literally had to rebuild my grow room to accomodate for the size of the plants...they grew much larger than I'd anticipated, and than the plants in my first grow. I should have used a new bulb, and the decrease in lumens was evident in my harvest. I mean, check out the photo below of the Eva Seeds "Missing" from my last was fucking gigantic. It wasn't just the Missing that was larger - I really think that the wear on the bulb accounted for a significant drop in yield. A bulb that's wearing out combined with me experimenting with different nutes resulted in not my best work. I don't really have a horse in this race...if the airpots didn't seem to increase the growth rate/size of the plant, I wouldn't go through the trouble of using would definitely be easier to just use normal pots.

This Missing was a beast:

Eva Missing 82.jpg

Pineapple Express from a previous grow:


Needless to say, I've purchased a new bulb for my upcoming grow. Used Digilux so far, but decided to try out Ushio.


Sorry for taking so long to get back, lowering the PH to 5.5 is only for a feeding or two just to help the plant get back down to its proper Ph. But I would also recommend lowering your Ph down to 6.2 and keeping that as your normal ph feed. I like to keep 5.6-5.8 for DWC, 5.8-6.0 for RTW coco and 6.2 for soil. Happy gardening my friend!


Active Member
Sorry for taking so long to get back, lowering the PH to 5.5 is only for a feeding or two just to help the plant get back down to its proper Ph. But I would also recommend lowering your Ph down to 6.2 and keeping that as your normal ph feed. I like to keep 5.6-5.8 for DWC, 5.8-6.0 for RTW coco and 6.2 for soil. Happy gardening my friend!
Thanks for the reply, I know that it's sometimes hard to find the time to go online and answer some strangers emails about growing weed. I can certainly appreciate that. But, I have a few quickie Ph questions if you've got a sec, all relevant because I just put 4 new seeds into paper towels.

At what point do you do the feedings at 5.5, and should you only go this low for a feeding or two if you're having issues? So temporarily dropping it down to 5.5 is sort of like hitting the "reset" button, where you can then hopefully continue along at a Ph of 6.2? If so, that makes sense. I will roll with 6.2 for this next grow, and see how it works out. I've seen those charts that show nutrient uptake by the plant at various Ph levels - definitely one that I need to pay more attention to. Also will check the runoff...if it goes in at 6.2, what should it come out at? I'm using tap water that I let sit overnight (is this an old wives tale?) that measures out at ~7.4 after 24 hours. After I add all of my nutrients, it drops down to ~4.5, and then I use Ph up to bring it up into the 6's. Does that all sound kosher? Any other Ph tips for soil growers?

It will all be put to good use in this next grow. I have OG #18 ready to roll, so I'm going back into the cage with another OG. Also trying out the Female Seeds C99, THC Bomb, and Silver LA. Someone got the freebies from Attitude. Have a new carbon filter, bought a new Ushio HPS bulb, and picked up a 600w MH bulb as well, so I don't have to mess with dangling CFL's through veg.

Appreciate your advice! Happy growing.