Day 38 - How do these look?


Active Member
I have kept up the feeding cycle and am now using full strength nutes. They are growing like weeds...:mrgreen:

They seem very short and bushy... I have to admit it... I need more space. I have 4 still in the starter. I just don't have the space for them. I have prepared a place and have a tent on the way. Take a look at #2... I think it may be from the res. being too small for 4 plants.

I really need some feedback on what I should be looking at they are still fairly short (only ??"). Should I be able tot determine sex yet? From what I read is is possible but being a newbie it would be really hard... Should I move them to 12/12? I think it seems kinda early. I was thinking I had at least another 3/4 weeks of veg and another 4/5 weeks of flower...:confused:


Well-Known Member
Looking fine, but that second pic has me confused...maybe it's the quality of the pic, but it looks like it got burnt by the light, cause there are no other signs of over fertilizing, it's definately not from having too many plants in there, otherwise i think they'd all show the same signs....good luck with it man, and HAPPY 420!


Active Member
Thanks... The plant was on the light when I checked on them. I took a closer look after reviewing the pic and moved the light up yesterday. It grew just fine today and no other leaves how this sign. They were 7" yesterday... so rough idea is another 2wks of veg then change to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
your call on vegging time. How tall you want to go determines the vegging also. but yeah in about 2-3 weeks you should be ok, course that's under cfl's with tubed flourescents it is about 2 months, shorter with good lights


Active Member
Thanks for all the help. I have some more lights on the way (a 4 bulb T5 and a 50Watt LED). I also already have a a 400watt HPS for flower time!

My biggest issue is space... I have about 18" of floor space in my rack. I have a solution but need for my order to come in... I expected to get it already (it has been a week). I will have some more space once the black and white poly comes in :)

Faralos, I am not sure I got it on that last one. Should I be planning for 4-6 flower with the lights I have planned. I this has taken about 1&1/2 months from seed so far and I thought is was about 12 weeks total...


Active Member
I am not sure what the issue is here but...

I think maybe??
1) Nitrogen
2) Potassium - This is the best match to the pictures I have seen...?
3) Heat Stress - I doubt this because it is happening with the lower leaves first.

Any experts with advice would be appreciated!:confused: