DAY 35 Blue Mystic


Well-Known Member
Well I'm just going off the few pictures of the stem, but you might wanna add more N. UB has a few threads and has pics where even at the end of harvest his plants are completely green. None of that yellowing leaves or stem coloration at the end of harvest. Stem coloration on Blue Mystic isn't normal and usually on any strain it shouldn't appear this early into the plants life. As soon as my Fish-seaweed blend gets here I'm going to be supplementing my grow with that in addition to the 10-30-20 that I already use. Also I would continue to use veg nutes until you see signs of flowering. You're using bloom nutes while you're still in veg.


Active Member
I guess, I'll up the N on it with the next feeding. I just foliar fed with a Bacto Mix. First Foliar I gave her.


Well-Known Member
Eh, not a fan of foliar feeding unless it's organic. Synthetic fertilizer leaves salt on the leaves just like it leaves salt in the soil, except you can't flush the leaves. Just make sure you stop when you see bud production start.


Active Member
Its very organic, Its a bacto mix from nirvana. Brown powder, mix with water. I swear I'll never see bud production on this lady. Shgit I can't even call IT a lady yet. Disapointed with my purchase/this bean. Every other Blue Mystic Auto I seen online is flowering at a few weeks and the Secondary branching is long and tall.


Well-Known Member
Come talk to me when you're at week 8 and no buds lol. You could of just gotten a bad batch. You could if you really wanted to send a email to nirvana and complain. They might give you free seeds they might not. Make sure you tell them that you likely won't buy their seeds again if this is what you can expect.

What exactly is bacto mix. I'm looking at it on nirvana and they say just to use it on seedlings. Seems like it's stuff just to help seedlings start out. "Bacto is a mixture of various fungi and bacteria with added Trichoderma to protect your seeds from harmful outsideinfluences. This highly concentrated blend gives a boost of beneficial micro-organisms to any type of soil." Not sure that stuff is meant to be foliar feed. It's just microorganisms, which if memory serves, you don't want on your leafs, but you want on your soil. Microorganisms help break down the stuff in the soil and turn it into the stuff plants need. If you think it works I guess it works, but I can't see what exactly it would do you you.

When I meant organic fertilizer I meant stuff like what you're using 15-30-15, but organic like Fox Farm stuff or fish emulsion.



Active Member
Oh I see. About the Fertilizer's. Yeah I know the Bacto is For Seedlings, But Don't see any harm in foliar feeding with it. Just Wanted to save my Bacto. I am sure we will see eachother when I'm at 8 weeks. Trying to be optimistic here.

Grassy Gnoll

Active Member
I am growing three of these as well. Mine were 33 days old when I decided to 12/12 them. That was on 5/30/12. Once under 12/12, they shot up in height the first two days, then they exploded into pistils within the next 2 days. So, within 5 days of 12/12, I knew they were all female. I am into flowering week three now, and they are doing great! I expect harvest sometime around July 6th to 20th, with a little taster on the 4th! << If anyone is interested in my journal, that is the link. Please note, this is not an endorsement of one forum over another. Knowledge is awesome, no matter where you get it! Hope it helps someone out! Can't wait to start my next batch!