Day 30 of veg, How do they look?


Well-Known Member
They look ok you gonna want to move that scrubber to the outside because for a gram a watt they gonna get big and you goin run out of room


Well-Known Member
What is your goal? If you are planning one running the grow without manipulation you will run out of light. LST, Super Cropping, tieing and other manipulations will allow you keep the plants low growing to utilize the amount of light you have to give them. I would run a SCROG in that size grow area. As you say you are going to veg longer so that should give you the time to do the training needed. And as bob said, you will need to hang that scrubber to give yourself more room, you will need it.


Well-Known Member
Agreed you are going to need that out of there to get that light as close as possible. I know you can get them closer, my 1k's do.


Well-Known Member
The hood, scrubber and fan weigh 65 lbs do you think thats safe to hang on the tent poles? I live in an apartment so smell is a big deal and I dont want to compromise that by placing the scubber outside the tent.


Well-Known Member
You should read the manual or .pdf for your tent it will say the recomended weights. Im sure it will hold.