Day 25. First time grower, looking forward for some insight and advice as I’m still learning

Jack herrer, feminized, coco medium
Day 25 for the main plant, and day 5 for the baby plant
Transplanted the main plant 2 days ago



You gotta get a new light. That one will work for a short time. Also fabric pots are better that those plastics ones. Let’s the soil breathe. Keep asking questions and you’ll get pointed in the right direction! Don’t take anyone’s negative shit lol!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't get those at all TBH. You'd need like 3 or 4 of em. At that point you could have just bought one better light. What size tent is that? A 2x2?


Well-Known Member
40cm*40cm* 1.2m
Oh damn, that is a small space. Still don't love those screw in lights and I don't think they're a great spectrum. But your clearly not in the US so I'm not sure what's available to you unfortunately, especially in that price range. Hopefully someone with more experience with spaces that small can chime in.


Well-Known Member
They look great! Many new growers seem to have issues starting out with coco, but you've done well here.

I agree with the others that you definitely need to upgrade the lighting situation very soon.
He needs to hang it horizontally.. like this .... ---... and not like this ...I... and make some kinda hood. more efficient and I'd also lower it.

I dont grow with led. Just seems like common sense


There are some kits on amazon that have lights like that with a built in hood... not sure if they are available across the pond...


Well-Known Member
Hopefully it’ll be better like this. And will be getting a new flowering light in 15 days
Thank you for the advice all
Like I said I dont know much about LED as far as distance from plant and stuff. But yeah like that.. that way more light is beaming down and not just lighting up your walls above the plant lol. Pretty neat looking bulb for sure though