Day 24 flowering AK48 & Pure Power Plant in Subcools Supersoil


Active Member
Here is the AK48 by Nervana. I will post the Pure Powerplant photos later. I am continued to be impressed with the soils ease and results. I am useing subs recipe with some very mild teas as the plants need them but its just water mostly if they look like they are.

5 gallon smart pots
Vegged for 6 or 7 weeks. This is the first AK48 seed that O cracked. It was feminized and I still have 4 left. Also have 4 of the power plant left also. They both clone very easy if ya are intrested.


More pics to come
Feel free to add I looking for compliments or what....hehehe :joint:

Im guessing it was day 24...could have been 26. I did not write down what day I pulled them from the veg cabnet. I figured it must have been about the 14th or there about. For tea I use budswell and add some bcuzz organic stimulant. The bcuzz is not a fertilizer just a additive. I also added a small amount of Earthjuice catalyst. The tea was very very week. The plants dont appear hungry at all yet and Im carefull not to over fertilize them....which is easy in super soil.


Ok...they look good today...heres another couple shots. Pure power plant and ak-48

Dont ask me how my text got down here....I cant seem to fix it so F-it
Heres another update....comming right along.

any updates?

Oh yes...they are awesome. The ak48 makes buds so dense and hard I was really surprised. The type that when you pinch they are rocks even when still on the plant. The ak48 smells like juicy fruit when growing but that fades away to no smell at all. Matter of fact I have the entire harvest of ak48 hanging in my bedroom and cannot smell it outside the room. The Pure power plant has grown into a monster bud producer with buds 2 inches thick and really covered in sparkling resin. Very stinkey smell of piney sweet skunky goodness. Easilly makeing 3 zips from the 5 gallon pot. Earky smoke tests are both are 1 - 2 hit weeds with the PPP being stronger then the ak but they are not properly cured so who knows. I always take small flowers to dry in my room....this is also where I check for trichromes being done with the scope.

Here are some pics..