Day 23 Of Flowering W/ Pics


Well-Known Member
i feel you on dat i aint been on prob since high school off sum dumb distrib. charge.

Take ya time while u still on prob bra u cant afford to get tore off.
How long u been growin bra?


Well-Known Member
I know your grow is long since done and you are nearly done with your yields, but I just have to add this last comment. I am growing what you grew and while this is definitely the plant to start with if you want a nice yield after using the plant to learn how to grow... so many bad things have happened over the course of my grow, but I am still looking at a nice big plant. Yesterday was my day 23 of flower and I look up your pics to reference and I must say that mine still don't compare lol if I still had my top, it might be a bit different. While I think I can easily get 2 oz I am hoping for about 3 or 4... Seeing what I am at right now.. .you got any predictions?


Well-Known Member
id say your right with that hackel, its aite ive been watchin your grow unfold, its still going quite well so just treat her extra nice.