Day 21 of flowering how do they look.


Active Member
looks just right to me! Using any nutes?
Try not to laugh...using Miracle-grow bloom booster. I used Miracle-grow tomato plant for vegging. Vegged for about 3 1/2 weeks under 125w CFL (10in tall). They are between 18-20in now.


Well-Known Member
If you can, try and get some quality nutes like Advanced or FoxFarm (there are many many more) but i havent really heard any bad things about the stuff your using. I cant laugh because i used Schultz African Violet Plus last week. But i switched to Advanced Nutrient's stuff. They look good to me though man. Are they getting any taller or just filling out with buds now? Im trying to figure out how to keep my plants small. Planning on vegging for 2-3 weeks then throwin them in 12/12 under a 150wHPS.


Active Member
They have grown 1 in in the past 3 days. I hope they stop soon. I only have 6 more inches of ceiling and the light is 14in away from the plants now.

Any Idea what these might yield? I have no clue how to even guess?


Well-Known Member
Not a clue here buddy. Ahaha, you can LST them to keep the down and lower to the ground without hurting the yield, maybe even producing more.


Well-Known Member
They look great... You're about two weeks ahead of me.. I'll be happy to have mine look like that. First-time 400W bagseed grow here, too.

Your bagseeds' strain resemeblance to my bagseed strain is uncanny.. same everything -- leaf spacing, width, color, the leaf curl-over thing over the edge that I keep worrying about but in 6 weeks, has not proven to be any sort of problem...


Well-Known Member
They look great man. Nothing like that HPS man. They will really start to fatten up around 5 weeks.

How much did they stretch in flowering? I have bad luck with bagseed doing that to me.


Active Member
Those are really nice!

Hope they come out nice and bushy for you! :-P

There is nothing better then a HPS but i can only get CFl's 2500 K for flowering! I wish i had a HPS light :finger: haha jk :-P


New Member
You could probably score up to an ounce per plants with this setup, maybe more. If your worried about hight, go pick up a bottle of BUSHMASTER. Its a product made by humbolts finest that stops all vertical growth 100 percent. Its also really sweet because since your plants stops using any energy on foliage and branches, it will star concentrating all energy to your buds. I used it and its working well!:bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If you do use bushmaster use it very sparingly. Like 20% rec. dosage to start. I have heard stories of it blasting plants away.


Active Member
Since I am just using miracle-grow nutes now...does anyone have suggestions for good nutes? Also my humidity stays between 0-20% (very dry basement) and my plants need water almost daily. Also my temp w/lights is 78-80 without 74. Does anyone see an issue with this?


Active Member
If u live in the States I've heard foxfarm works awesome havn't tried them personally. For the humidity fill up some buckets of water and place around plant although u dont need much humidity in flowering 20% would be ok. For the watering I'd wait untill it needs a good feeding and flush untill water comes out the drain holes then 4-5 days water again. Temps are ok as well happy growing man!