Day 14. Sprout stop growing for past 3 days. Help.


New Member
Hi guys, any advice will be really helpful this time. lol

first time grower. Plan to go into DWC bucket. ill keep this post short so its easier to read.

somewhat successful germinate 2 days pop the WW seeds about an inch tap root. move into RW which is not grodan, as i am living in a real backward country, so i thought i could subsitute it with the insulation rockwool( real bad move) kept at it from bluebro advice, on day 10 sprouted (seed 1) grow about 1 inch and i can see the leafs coming but its real slow
day 13 seed 2 sprouted

temp: 25 C or 77H
rh in dome 70
lights CCFL eco white about 4 inch away now i move them higher

any feedback will be real appreciated as i am a virgin grower. thanks a bunch guys


New Member
Hey guys been 21 days moved to potting soil on 18/9
Still no action, I guess I have to start over. So sad. At least I learned not to used the bad bad rockwool. (Stupid me)
I have purchase some grodan macro plugs from eBay will be arriving in 1 month. I'll start over then.

Many Thanks for your help guys. Cheers


New Member
I wish I was in the states my heart will so much freeier. I am from Asia, thus my name tropicalgrower:)
I do not have 4 season. Same temp all year round with rain. 29-33C about 70RH