Day 14 of flower. Any suggestions?

Whats up RIU.

I am in day 14 of flower under 400w. I am growing in 5 gal smart pots with 50/50 mix of ffof and happy frog.The temp is a average of 79 degrees light on 62 degrees light off. Rh average is 26% lights on and about 35% light off. I am using distilled water. I water every 4 days. On the 3rd water I feed them 5mls of X nutriants silica, 5 mls of bointicare call mg, 5mls of floronova bloom. So every third watering they get fed. Unfortunately I am flowering with a MH as of right now, but will be switching to HPS in about a week. I have also removed some under growth to improve air flow. OPEN TO ANY ADVISE!! FIRST GROW!



Well-Known Member
They look good to me. What kind of advice are you looking for? I think your girls look healthy from what I can tell.
Hey thanx for takin the time to check out my post! Im glad they are looking healthy! I guess what im really asking is. Should I be keeping a close eye on anything? Any common problems that happen in flower that I can prevent? I just dont wanna make a noob mistake lol.