Day 13. How do they look so far?


Well-Known Member
So 13 days from today I put the lil seed with their tails popping out into the soil. This is how they are looking today.

Just looking for any input. See if they look like they are doing alright. It seems the bigger one is really cramped together. All the leaves are in like 1 big bunch. The other one is actually about the same, just a lil runt compared to the one on the left.

-edit- The lil brown dots ya see at the end of one leaf is soil! =D



Well-Known Member
I may be over watering them, but only giving them about half a glass of water a day.

I probably need to get a better pH water testing kit. Ive got one of the dropper testers for pH/Chlorine for pools. I just tested the water and it seems like it is somewhere around 6.5-7. Its kind of hard to tell exactly. I am using tap water so I guess I may want to buy a water filter or something for my sink.

I had thought they looked sad also.


Yeah thats too much water! when they are this young they should only need maybe 1/2 cup every 2 days just because the surface is dry doesnt mean that the roots and soil below are dry


Well-Known Member
Yea. I normally test by sticking my finger in and it feels pretty dry at my 2nd knuckle. Thats how I had tested anyway. Ive got a water meter, and normally at 1-2 when I water (which is in the RED area of low).

Ill definitely stop with the watering tho. Also I let my water sit for about 12-24hours before using it.


Well-Known Member
You want the soil to be completely dry before you water again. That is how you get nice strong root systems


Active Member
Yeah man that's waaaayyyyy too much water.

Let your pots dry out, pretty much completely. Then start your little "girls" on 100-200ml of water every 2-3 days.

The amount of water and the time in-between waterings is directly related to the size of your pots. They don't look very big in the pics, so I would recommend 100ml of water like every other day. Just make sure they're basically bone dry before you water again. Stick your pinky in the soil on the edge of the pot a little ways past the first knuckle. If it still feels moist, don't water just yet.

And a PH meter wouldn't be a bad investment. Especially if you're using tap water.

Oh, also, if you ARE using tap water let it sit out for a few days so the chlorine can evaporate.

Good luck. :hump:


Well-Known Member
It is good to let tap water sit out for a while with the top off. It allows some of the nasty chemicals in tap water to dissipate


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the great replies guys. +rep to all who replied.

And I do let it sit out, I pour it in the glass and let it sit for 12-24 hours. Ill go ahead and pour some more water in glasses and let them sit.

Considering I just gave them water about 2 hours ago (prob about 1cup each :/) Ill wait until Tue before watering again and will be sure to only give about 100ml.

Thanks again everyone! You've all been a big help.


Well-Known Member
I suggest getting a moisture meter, they work great. That dude who said they are crap has no clue what he is talking about. They are really a great tool to have just to double check and be sure that it is time to water or feed


Active Member
If I had to describe them in one word I'd say they look sad. Everyone already said all the peace you'll need to make them happy.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Like everyone said I suspect over-watering.
My way of doing it is watch when the top part of the pot goes cracky-dry and that means I need to water.
If I had more room I'd use the weight-your-pots method. Water weights more than air, so if the pot is full with water it weights more.
pull your pot when its dry and try to remember (not that difficult, really) how it felt. Then you know how close you are to the point you need to water.

And in my style of growing I'd strech thoes plants a bit, they are too compact - one leaf shade the other. I'd higher the bulb a few inches.


Well-Known Member
Yea, come Tuesday, if I can tell its absolutely dry im going to see how much it weights.

Last night I was telling my girlfriend the plants looked sad. Should have played some good music for them. haha

Also moved my lights up a few inches as someone mentioned. Figured I may need to do that from how bunched together it is.