Well-Known Member
So in othr words you feel superior to believer chicks and think they are stupid...
Cool. Thats a typical standard douchebag.
I find it very hard for myself to be something i am not.. Seems you atheists are very good at that.
So all in all, atheists are hypocrites and not ad good as they thought to be...
I call people like you scum
I wouldn't call believer chicks or dudes for that matter stupid, ignorant is the correct adjective:
ignorant [ˈɪgnərənt]adj1. lacking in knowledge or education; unenlightened
2. (postpositive; often foll by of) lacking in awareness or knowledge (of) ignorant of the law
Ignorance can be an acceptable defense for the young or others isolated from seeking knowledge i.e. prisoners but self - induced ignorance, however, as in your case, is the equivalent of a mortal sin in my Book.