dark spots


Thanks for the reply, Well i have 6 26 watt (daylight 6500k) temp is around 88 with lights on humitiy is about 60 i am growing in a cupboard type thing i have 2 fresh air intakes and two exhaust, i feed them once about two weeks ago (20/20/20) didnt look good after that so i flushed them out. havent added anything since then..


Well-Known Member
looks like old nute burn, from what you said about feeding 2 weeks ago, that would line up in time
other than that, you seem to be doing good from what is shown in pic


Thanks, i hope thats all it is im going to have to keep an eye on it.. Now when should i add nutes again..kind of worried about adding nutes cause i have nothing but problems..


Global Moderator
Staff member
Well, that sounds like a pretty good setup - perhaps that fert (20-20-20) is too hot, try another brand and mix it to less than 1/8 strength to start.
Any possibility of bugs/worms getting in there?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Ok, I think I found your prob - the Schultz already has nutes added - "The potting mix also comes with a Multi-Cote time released plant food which will provide many nutrients for houseplants for up to nine months". You probably have nute burn caused when you added more. Stop adding fert, just water from here on out & next time don't use Miracle grow or Schultz.
Hope you find this useful.


Thanks for looking into it for me. Well i went away for 2 days came back home and she didnt look to good so i bought some pro mix and switched up the soil hope this helps i will have to wait and see now..thanks again