dark spots


Ok this is what happend i added 20/20/20 at 1/4 strength and started to notice yellowing and so i thought it was nute burn so i flushed the plant and now i am dark spots what could that mean i look for spider mites didnt see any, did see one a while back killed it nothing since. The soil im using is schultz moisture plus and vermiculite, perlite and some plain soil.


dont know whats wrong with my plant i think it was the 20/20/20 but i also has dark spots on most of the leaves..Not sure what to do??


i am fighting a similar issue with my plants.... i have it narrowed down to the soil being to acidic... (ph too low)... what are you feeding with?? have ph testing capability??


Thanks for the reply, I only have a ph tester for water so i tested the run off and it is saying 6.8 but thats as low as my tester goes.. i first started off with 5 seedling gave 3 to a friend to put outside and i have to now, well maybe one because i see pistles on the one and no pistle on the, i think i see sacks but will wait a couple of days to see. I planted the seed may 3 so they are about 4 weeks old the one i think is a male looks burnt to shit the female is looking alot better then i did a couple of days ago.