Well-Known Member
im on top!

such as???Side note:..I think we need some more expressive smileys
holycrap FDD do you have those things stockpiled on your pc?
.....from the horses mouth....blah, blah, blah......... uf. one dutch company noted that there was up to a 5% increase. this is not 5% total, but 5% of the thc percentage. ie, if the product is 20% thc, 5% of 20% is 1%, total would be 21%.
you can read up at www.cannabisculture.com. go to the backissues section and have a blast. i'm not going to debate common knowledge with anyone.Ya know what irritates me? I am interested in this topic. I would like to know how much it helps to go dark for 48-72 hours before harvest. I would like to see the research. When I saw this topic had a couple of pages of posts, I thought "hmmmm...maybe some useful information". I open it up and all I see is worthless bantering back and forth.
UF, if you have research information available to backup your findings and/or at least a theory on why and how it works, please provide it. It's much better to argue your point and provide information for everyone to use, then to just simply say, "you're a bitch, you're wrong, get off the short bus." Please, I am looking for valuable information, so please provide what you have so that we can all be a little less ignorant.
KP, I understands UF's perspective that it's not much effort to turn your lights off for three days. I don't think it's necessary to harvest in the dark, although it is something that people have done for a long time (probably because it's harder to get caught outdoors). I don't think that THC that has already been created is going to go away if you wait until light to harvest
props for that man..they had some really good info on re-greening or re-vegging plants which is exactly where Im at and what I needed to hear. Thanksyou can read up at www.cannabisculture.com. go to the backissues section and have a blast.