Dark Green and Lime

Rt. Nut

I got 2 plants , side by side , in the same soil and under the same light. They are in flower and 2-3 weeks from finish. One is very dark green and the other is turning a lime color with some of the bottom leaves beginning to yellow. They have been fed the same food (FF) and water , at the same time. Does this sound like I need to give the lime plant a supplement. If so, what turns them green, N ? How much for a 3 gal bucket ? Your thoughts please.

Thanks Folks
Both in 3 gal pots? Some yellow is normal towards the end of cycle. Good quality pictures would be fantastic. And yes, nitrogen will help with the yellow. At this point i would not give them a heavy dose of N. Give them normal nutes, with maybe a light source of N. More nitrogen, more leaves.

Hope that helps, will keep an eye out for pictures.