dark curling leaves problem


Active Member

I just got 2 new 4' shop lights but it still does not look good.I had poor lighting before, but the leaves still look dark and remain curled as lower ones brown. The plant is should be about to flower soon and it should look much better than it does. It has been like this for well over a month with slow growth.

- Is this a result of low lighting, dry air, or a deficiency? :?:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
What Soil? What Nuts? How much perlite? With out more information. Best you will get are guess's.

My guess is that you are useing crap soil with next to no perlite. The top inch or so dries out, but the lower area is sopping wet. Your plants are starveing for air, and maybe over nuted a little. Pull one of them out of the pot and feel the bottom, also take a picture of it for us to look at.

Give us more information though.


Active Member
I am using Miracle Grow potting soil/ and mix as my only nutes. i have perlite. I don't think over watering is the problem. Now all of the leave tips are starting to get brown but they aren't curled as much any more and some of the veins are stiff and feel paper-y (ex. pic 1)... =/ Ah. i want to post pix of the roots but the state its in it...I'm nervous of shocking it again. I am just crossing my fingers that it doesn't keel over and die on me.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
You need to fix the trouble before you start to flower. And do not worry about stressing the plant anymore then it already is. I do not think that is possible.

I think that Death word be a releaf to that plant. Please do not take offence.


Well-Known Member
Water it only when necessary, and keep proper ventilation and avoid nutrients that can burn the plant vegetation.

Any significant stress can and will make your plant prone to being Hermie or Male, and that's something you don't want, sir.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Pull them out of that pot and see what condition the roots are in. And then repot in better soil. Make sure to add a good 30% perlite to the soil, or go with COCO growing medium. But hey, I am just guessing, You still have not given enough information to make a good answer.


Well-Known Member
Does soil really need perlite? mine has probably 1.0% of perlite and my plant is growing great.