DAN's AN Timeline Question


Hey guys, new poster here and about to start a newbie grow. I'm just looking for some advice on this timeline I found. I was going to try and call them but I figured I'd first ask here.

I'm growing in dirt first of all, and I want to purchase some nutes from his website, prices look fairly decent.

Anywho, I was wondering if what he means with the timeline is to choose one of each Base Nutrient, Organic Nutrient, Suggested Supplement and Enhancement for each stage of the growing process.

Like for instance what I'm gathering is for say seedling stage you'd pick One of each of the afformentioned category and use them.

I can't see using EVERY nute listed for each stage, and I'm hoping that's not what he means.

Any input and feedback would be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Make your life a lot easier. Stop reading the bottles and websites and all of the places that these company's use to sell you shit. Lots of shit. A lot of the shit is good, but for your first grow, keep it simple. Use just base nutrients, you'll be just fine. If you start with all of the supplements, all of the "special bloom enhancers" and all of the other bullshit you'll never know if any of them work and how well. And a lot of them are VERY hot and can kill your plants. It's also easier to make mistakes when you make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Start with worrying about your soil first. This is the foundation that you need to lay and you need to have it solid. What kind of soil are you going to use and what is your overall mix going to be?

I would suggest FoxFarms nutes and just sticking with Grow Big, Bloom Big and possibly Tiger Bloom. Simple, straight forward and you'll be smoking home grown ganja in no time. Try "experimenting" with all the shit and you'll end up upset because you've wasted so much time and your plants are a mess.


Make your life a lot easier. Stop reading the bottles and websites and all of the places that these company's use to sell you shit. Lots of shit. A lot of the shit is good, but for your first grow, keep it simple. Use just base nutrients, you'll be just fine. If you start with all of the supplements, all of the "special bloom enhancers" and all of the other bullshit you'll never know if any of them work and how well. And a lot of them are VERY hot and can kill your plants. It's also easier to make mistakes when you make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Start with worrying about your soil first. This is the foundation that you need to lay and you need to have it solid. What kind of soil are you going to use and what is your overall mix going to be?

I would suggest FoxFarms nutes and just sticking with Grow Big, Bloom Big and possibly Tiger Bloom. Simple, straight forward and you'll be smoking home grown ganja in no time. Try "experimenting" with all the shit and you'll end up upset because you've wasted so much time and your plants are a mess.
Haha, thanks for the response! I get sidetracked very easily and when I start reading into things I like to make it very overcomplicated.

For my soil, as I've read on here, I'm going to be looking for an organic potting soil, not quite sure of which one but the soil you listed looks good. I went to home depot the other day to get my lights and all, but the soil they had was just scotts and miracle grow and the closest thing they had to organic was miracle grow's organic so I said fuck that shit. I'm going to goto my local farmer/produce market and see if I can find something much simpler there and not something with a shit ton of chemical additives. I'm going to look for possibly a 20-10-10 mixture, correct me if that's not appropriate for the veg cycle.

I'll place an order for those fertilizers, or look for something close to it in my local stores, might as well grab them in the store if at all possible.

Once again I appreciate the feedback, I know being a newbie at anything sucks and to intermediate or advanced users newbies can get quit annoying.


Well-Known Member
Not all Miracle Grow or Scotts products are shit. They bought EVERYONE else. That's why it seems like it's all the stores ever carry. Miracle Grow Organic Fertilizer should be nutrient free and so should Scotts. They should have an option for something without chemical nutrients already in it.

I would consider using a 3 part mixture of Organic Soil (good clean soil), Perlite (for drainage) and Vermiculite (for moisture retension). That combo is always a homerun and will help you avoid the pitfalls of overwatering and underwatering. Makes the soil very forgiving. A 20-10-10 fertilizer should work fine in veg, but just keep it very light when you start them on nutes. They will be just fine for longer than you think without them and they don't need much when they start on them. Less is often more, unless the plants tell you they are hungry. If the overall green of your plants is too light they are getting hungry, if they are getting too dark and starting to curl down they are overfed. Obviously nute burn is also a clear sign, but generally it presents first as "The Claw".


Not all Miracle Grow or Scotts products are shit. They bought EVERYONE else. That's why it seems like it's all the stores ever carry. Miracle Grow Organic Fertilizer should be nutrient free and so should Scotts. They should have an option for something without chemical nutrients already in it.

I would consider using a 3 part mixture of Organic Soil (good clean soil), Perlite (for drainage) and Vermiculite (for moisture retension). That combo is always a homerun and will help you avoid the pitfalls of overwatering and underwatering. Makes the soil very forgiving. A 20-10-10 fertilizer should work fine in veg, but just keep it very light when you start them on nutes. They will be just fine for longer than you think without them and they don't need much when they start on them. Less is often more, unless the plants tell you they are hungry. If the overall green of your plants is too light they are getting hungry, if they are getting too dark and starting to curl down they are overfed. Obviously nute burn is also a clear sign, but generally it presents first as "The Claw".
Thanks again for another great response!

The miracle grow soil I found was http://www.scotts.com/smg/catalog/productTemplate.jsp?tabs=general&proId=prod70318&itemId=cat80014&id=cat50006
at home depot. What made me skeptical is the fact that it feeds for up to 3 months so I wasn't sure if it would be safe to use in conjunction with fertilizers say 6 weeks down the road when it would be about time to use some type of natural fertilizer. I've done so much damn reading the past 2 weeks on this entire subject that the basics of everything begin to mix in with the more complex details and eventually you forget the basics lol.

Do you think that miracle grow I linked would be adequate and safe to use with additional nutes a couple weeks after I transplant from my small pot to my larger pot? (obviously I haven't started growing yet, still some things I need to clear up heh)

Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
That's a good soil if you mix it in 3 parts with the vermiculite and perlite. It has fertilizer in it but shouldn't be too "hot". I don't think it'll last anywhere near 3 months as stated, after the end of veg it should be safe to start adding bloom nutes. I think that it'll be just fine throughout about 3-4 weeks of vegetative growth.

There are lots of threads on here regarding the success people have had with Miracle Grow products. See if you can search one down and follow it. It's the slow release products and the moisture control stuff that really sucks.


That's a good soil if you mix it in 3 parts with the vermiculite and perlite. It has fertilizer in it but shouldn't be too "hot". I don't think it'll last anywhere near 3 months as stated, after the end of veg it should be safe to start adding bloom nutes. I think that it'll be just fine throughout about 3-4 weeks of vegetative growth.

There are lots of threads on here regarding the success people have had with Miracle Grow products. See if you can search one down and follow it. It's the slow release products and the moisture control stuff that really sucks.

Thanks bud! I appreciate all the info, I just hope after a few grows I can be here posting advice and return the favor!